This has been a busy time with the family. On the 4th of July our daughter, Molly, SIL Ken, grandchildren Zac, Braeden and Ashlyn spent the night and celebrated the fourth with us. There were no fireworks this year because of the serious drought and fire danger. We had food, watched a movie, swam in the lake, and Ken and Travis played golf.
I made mushroom burgers for the fourth. They were better tasting just eating them with the hamburger veggies and no bun. The recipe was posted here...
We also had veggie burgers and regular hamburgers for the ones that wanted them.
Mushroom Burgers |
Here is the 4th of July Fruit Salad made with strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. |
We spent the morning on the lake. |
Swimming in the lake. |
Ashlyn playing in the river. |
Zac and me headed out to go around the block. Zac ran. I walked. |
Fruit Lunch. |
Monday evening we went to here the Hot Springs Community Band concert. The concert was moved inside due to rain. |
Hot Springs Community Band. |
The garden bed with fish oil spray, fertilizer, compost and mulch. It's ready to plant again. |
Travis planted four new pepper plants in this bed. |
When Natural Hygienists talk against chemicals, drugs, medical treatments, and supplements are they trampling on man's right to eat what he likes, drink what he likes, do what he likes and die how he likes?
What are the rights of man? He has the biological rights that are required for life:
1. Fresh air
2. Access to sunshine
3. To have decent food and water
4. To have warmth and shelter
5. To have rest and repose
6. To play and exercise in the open air
7. To think and express emotion
Natural Hygiene stands up for these rights that are pre-requisite for life.
There are social rights that are just as necessary to man's well-being. Natural Hygiene supports the privacy of the individual to live his life the way he sees fit. But no man is an island to himself (John Donne), and if in living the way he likes, he infringes on the rights of other individuals, then justice should be done.
When the social rights of man (privacy, entertainment, ethics, social right and wrong) come in conflict with the biological rights of man, then the biological rights of man must prevail.
The right to breathe fresh air is a fundamental right basic to man's existence. The right is violated more and more in our society. Air pollution is man-made with no regard to the biological right to breathe fresh air. The air is being polluted because of selfish social rights. Industrial manufacturing, flying in jets, riding in cars, etc. make life lazier and easier, but it deprives it of its vigor and vitality.
Which rights are most important? The ones on which ease and comfort depend or the ones on which life depends?
What about smokers? Is it right for them to pollute their neighbor's air because of their addiction? A basic human right is to not be exploited for someone else's gain. We close our eyes to many ways in which people are exploited for the benefit of a few. This includes wars and endangering the soil, the water, the food, the atmosphere with radiation and chemicals.
The individual has the right to take poisons (drugs, medicines, herbal tonics, processed foods) with the false belief that they will cure his diseases, but not at the expense of other people. An army of nurses, doctors, psychiatrists, orderlies, etc. are required to look after them who drown their aches and pains, their encumbrances, their sins of omission and commission in drugs and medical treatments. This causes them to become even more sick, have more pains, suffer more disease and have less health than before.
Natural Hygiene encourages people to question every thing even though it is our tendency to accept that the way we were brought up is the right way for things to be. -Adapted from The Quintessence of Natural Living
Travis, Molly and Zac watching Spiderman in 3D at Tinseltown. |
To health and happiness.
This is a great post, Janis. Love that you are living your life the way you want to. You look so good..