Friday we went to Cairns to Rusty's Market. Food here is very expensive. Eight papayas were $25.00. Small bananas were about $1.00/each, and the larger bananas were about $2.00/each. Small mangoes were $3.00/each. I got my sugar cane drink at Rusty's. I'm so addicted to them.
On the way home we stopped in Smithville to visit John's travel agency, Flight Central. The agent that booked my flights was named Chris. He lived near Atlanta for a while as a student, so he liked my southern drawl. I got all my flights booked for the September Australian tour for $720.00.
We had to drive to Kunandra for John to pick up his new bank card. Kunandra is in the Kunandra Rain Forest...quite a tourist town. I plan on visiting it again during September. Maybe I'll take the tourist train up and ride the cable car back to Cairns.
I got a sweet letter from Ashlyn. She sent me a beautiful strawberry ornament that she made for me. It's hanging on my window.
I slept until 7:00 on Saturday. It feels good to get to sleep so long. I'm having dreams about everyone I know. Sleep is different here because I fall asleep in total darkness with no television/radio/music and wake up when the sun comes up.
We have not had 240 volt power much of the time. There hasn't been enough sun to charge the battery. My time on-line has been short. Since I couldn't play on the computer I cleaned the toilets, my Lugable Loo, and did my hand laundry.
Jonathon, John's son, came by for a few minutes. We talked about the big party going on next door. People started arriving last night in vans and cars with backpacks, sleeping bags, pillows, etc. We are a bit upset that we didn't get invited! There is a large tee pee set up. So far they have been quiet, so we are not sure what is going on.
I cleaned my room, studied my lesson on the digestive tract, and started a new lesson on vaccination. I am reading a book called The Restoration of the Peasantries by G. T. Wrench. Commercial farming interests do not farm the soil, they mine the soil. Large land-holdings cannot be farmed intensively, and they fail to return to the soil what was taken from it.
History shows that great nations spring from an agricultural citizenry made up of small family farms. The citizenry become more urban as commercial interests find a way to drive the families from the land to the town (through taxation and debt), which in turn leads to moral and physical weakness. The condition of the soil is related to the condition of the nation.
For lunch we had papaya, mango, banana, avocado, and coconut.
Consultations at 2:00. Karen is on Day 8 of her fast. I asked the doctor for the official line on hair color. He asked me if I wanted to lose my hair. He had a patient who had lost her hair after dying it for many years. He put her on the healthy lifestyle and her hair grew back. Guess what she did then? She dyed her hair!. Her hair came out again and never grew back. The doctor's recommendation is to grow old gracefully.
It was a lazy afternoon of reading and studying. I looked at a book of photographs of some Old Order Amish and finished the peasantry book.
Supper was lettuce leaves and celery leaves from the garden, chopped up tomatoes, topping made with mashed avocado, some chopped tomatoes and tomato juice and sauerkraut juice, sauerkraut, pecans, and dates. I practiced flute, put on pj's and spent the rest of the evening reading/studying.
Welcome to a simple lifestyle emphasizing raw foods and natural living. The principles of natural living address the cause of disease and health! I share my foods, habit tracking, books I read and the curiosities I follow.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Body Fluids
My healing symptoms this morning are sore nose (left nostril done, right nostril is sore now), rash and itching of upper body, lymph gland behind left ear still sore but now is smaller (it's almost done), right lymph gland behind ear is getting a sore knot now, cramps down the front of the legs. Other than that, I feel GREAT!
I slept ten hours, woke up at 6:30 and did my exercises, dressed for work, and read until time to go to work.
I mowed some grass today with the push mower, and we fed four trees. The 30-year old water hose broke today, so I watched (and helped a little) as John repaired it.
I cracked the coconut and grated half of it for our lunch. The coconut water is very good. Lunch was papaya, black sapote, pineapple, avocado, banana and coconut.
We had a discussion on the color of body fluids. The color indicates the level of toxicity - clear, yellow, green, black. In some plague type diseases, such as smallpox, the urine can become black. The disease is considered to be incurable when there is that much toxicity, but John has seen people recover by natural methods even from that point. I asked about malaria, but the doctor says that malaria is way back up the chart in seriousness. Even though many die in Africa with malaria, most are actually dying from the treatment of malaria. Natural remedies are usually successful.
I got a wonderful sunbath. The sun felt nice and warm. Consultations were at 2:00. Today is Karen's sixth day of fasting. Starch poisoning is caused by eating more starch than the body requires. Starch poisoning causes skin conditions, colds, congestions, cold sores, and indentations on the side of the tongue. A person with excess starch should not eat grains or concentrated starches.
Protein poisoning is caused by eating more protein than the body requires. The indicators are pimples, bumps, carbuncles, ulcers, acne, etc. Fever is one way our body deals with both conditions.
I worked on the computer from 2:30 - 4:30. I got part of my pediatrics II lesson typed.
Supper was lettuces from the garden, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates. I practiced flute, studied my lesson and read. I could hear Tina playing her flute so beautifully across the way. I wanted to go over and play with her, but a 3:25 a.m. wake up call kept me from it. We leave for Cairns in the morning at 4:00.
I started reading a book today called The Restoration of the Peasantries by G. T. Wrench. It was published in 1939.
I slept ten hours, woke up at 6:30 and did my exercises, dressed for work, and read until time to go to work.
I mowed some grass today with the push mower, and we fed four trees. The 30-year old water hose broke today, so I watched (and helped a little) as John repaired it.
I cracked the coconut and grated half of it for our lunch. The coconut water is very good. Lunch was papaya, black sapote, pineapple, avocado, banana and coconut.
We had a discussion on the color of body fluids. The color indicates the level of toxicity - clear, yellow, green, black. In some plague type diseases, such as smallpox, the urine can become black. The disease is considered to be incurable when there is that much toxicity, but John has seen people recover by natural methods even from that point. I asked about malaria, but the doctor says that malaria is way back up the chart in seriousness. Even though many die in Africa with malaria, most are actually dying from the treatment of malaria. Natural remedies are usually successful.
I got a wonderful sunbath. The sun felt nice and warm. Consultations were at 2:00. Today is Karen's sixth day of fasting. Starch poisoning is caused by eating more starch than the body requires. Starch poisoning causes skin conditions, colds, congestions, cold sores, and indentations on the side of the tongue. A person with excess starch should not eat grains or concentrated starches.
Protein poisoning is caused by eating more protein than the body requires. The indicators are pimples, bumps, carbuncles, ulcers, acne, etc. Fever is one way our body deals with both conditions.
I worked on the computer from 2:30 - 4:30. I got part of my pediatrics II lesson typed.
Supper was lettuces from the garden, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates. I practiced flute, studied my lesson and read. I could hear Tina playing her flute so beautifully across the way. I wanted to go over and play with her, but a 3:25 a.m. wake up call kept me from it. We leave for Cairns in the morning at 4:00.
I started reading a book today called The Restoration of the Peasantries by G. T. Wrench. It was published in 1939.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Staking the Tomatoes and Cucumbers
It rained last night. I slept eleven hours, woke up at 12:30 and read for about an hour then went back to sleep until 7:00. It's 62 degrees in my room.
I am itching...broken out with a rash on my upper body...and my kidney hurts.
I did my exercises and dressed for work. I don't change clothes as much here. I work in the same clothes Sunday through Thursday. I change clothes after my shower before lunch every day, but I wear one outfit Friday through Monday and then a new outfit for Tuesday through Thursday. Hand laundry and going to the laundromat makes me want to use as few clothes as possible.
Our job today was to stake the tomatoes and cucumbers. We walked over to the river bank and cut some bamboo poles which we used as stakes for our plants. We tied the poles to the mesh cover with strips of old sheeting. We used more strips to tie the plants to the poles.
We spent the rest of the morning making more rows in the vegetable garden. John made rows between plants that were already up, and some rows where plants had failed to come up. The row is made by pushing the dirt back to either side with a trowel. Add bluestone, fertilizer, and compost into the row to prepare for planting. We planted one row with Lamb's Lettuce. The rest of the rows must wait until we go to town on Friday and buy some seeds or plants.
John says the Chinese use every square inch of space in their gardens. The Yugoslavians, Italians, and Greeks are also very good at using all the available space. But, John says the Chinese are the best. They are our inspiration. We are trying to use all the space in our garden, too. We plan on planting our baby tomato plants in the pineapples. The tomatoes will be able to grow up above the pineapples.
Lunch was papaya, 1-1/2 black sapotes that were grown here on the farm, 1/2 avocado, banana, sapadilla, coconut, and passion fruit.
It was too cold to sunbathe today, so I worked on the computer instead. Consultations were at 2:00. I still weigh 55k on this scale. Karen is on day 5 of her fast. She's feeling tired now, but she borrowed my computer for awhile this afternoon.
Supper was lettuces from the garden, tomato, 1/4 of a very large avocado, sauerkraut, two dates and pecans. I practiced flute, studied pediatrics, and read.
I am itching...broken out with a rash on my upper body...and my kidney hurts.
I did my exercises and dressed for work. I don't change clothes as much here. I work in the same clothes Sunday through Thursday. I change clothes after my shower before lunch every day, but I wear one outfit Friday through Monday and then a new outfit for Tuesday through Thursday. Hand laundry and going to the laundromat makes me want to use as few clothes as possible.
Our job today was to stake the tomatoes and cucumbers. We walked over to the river bank and cut some bamboo poles which we used as stakes for our plants. We tied the poles to the mesh cover with strips of old sheeting. We used more strips to tie the plants to the poles.
Cutting bamboo poles for stakes. |
Tomatoes and cucumbers staked. |
New rows ready to plant and the newly staked cucumbers. |
Lunch was papaya, 1-1/2 black sapotes that were grown here on the farm, 1/2 avocado, banana, sapadilla, coconut, and passion fruit.
It was too cold to sunbathe today, so I worked on the computer instead. Consultations were at 2:00. I still weigh 55k on this scale. Karen is on day 5 of her fast. She's feeling tired now, but she borrowed my computer for awhile this afternoon.
Supper was lettuces from the garden, tomato, 1/4 of a very large avocado, sauerkraut, two dates and pecans. I practiced flute, studied pediatrics, and read.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Goody Balls
I didn't sleep so well last night. I was itching and concerned about things at home. I got up at 6:30 and did my exercises, dressed, and read until time to start work at 8:00. There was no 240v power this morning.
I planted five more pineapples in the new pineapple bed. I dug a hole, put in a trowel full of blue stone, fertilizer, and compost then planted the pineapple using another scoop of compost and the dirt from the hole. After packing the earth tight around the plant, I tucked the babies in with mulch and watered them in with seaweed/fish water.
I helped John feed five trees and plant a new tree. It was good exercise pushing the wheel barrow and shoveling compost and mulch.
Lunch was papaya, sapadilla, custard apple, avocado, banana, and coconut.
When I get home my lunch will be the fruit we have available. If I can't get coconut I will use the nuts we have such as pecans, walnuts, or almonds. Another good replacement for the coconut will be goody balls
I planted five more pineapples in the new pineapple bed. I dug a hole, put in a trowel full of blue stone, fertilizer, and compost then planted the pineapple using another scoop of compost and the dirt from the hole. After packing the earth tight around the plant, I tucked the babies in with mulch and watered them in with seaweed/fish water.
I helped John feed five trees and plant a new tree. It was good exercise pushing the wheel barrow and shoveling compost and mulch.
Planting a new tree. |
When I get home my lunch will be the fruit we have available. If I can't get coconut I will use the nuts we have such as pecans, walnuts, or almonds. Another good replacement for the coconut will be goody balls
Goody Ball Recipe
500 grams sesame seeds
500 grams sunflower seeds
250 grams pumpkin seeds
250 grams almonds
Grind all the seeds fine in the food processor and put into a large container for mixing. I use a large blue plastic tub (the size of a laundry basket.)
500 grams of each of these sun-dried fruits: raisins, sultanas, currants, dates, and peaches.
I cut the peaches and dates up into small pieces with scissors and add all the fruits in with the ground up seeds and nuts. Be sure to remove the pits from the dates.
Mix all together with your hands. Put all through a meat will look like sausage. Form into balls. Store in sealed plastic containers. Do not refrigerator. Moisture will make them go bad. Otherwise they will keep for weeks. Makes a whole bunch!
I sunbathed for 45 minutes, but it was cold. I gave it up before my hour was up. When the sun would pop out, it would be toasty warm, but when it ducked behind a cloud it would be uncomfortably cold.
Karen doesn't think I can tour Australia for 26 days on $600.00. I think she may be right. Ha Ha.
Consultations at 2:00. I was awake last night itching from my chest, neck and face. The doctor says it could be anxiety. He also says if I have ever taken cortisone, it usually exits from the upper body. I can't remember if I have ever been given cortisone or not. Maybe I was back in the days when I went to the doctor for bronchitis.
I spent a couple of hours on the computer before supper. Supper was 3 lettuce leaves, 1 cabbage leaf, and a few celery leaves that I picked fresh from the garden, a tomato, 1/2 avocado, 2 dates and pecans. Tonight I chopped up the dates and pecans and added them to my salad. I had sauerkraut on the side.
I practiced the flute, studied my pediatrics lesson, and read.
Today was Karen's fourth day fasting. It's normal to feel cold when fasting. It's called Faster's Coldness.
Pain is a part of healing. Wherever the pain is, is where most of the healing is going on.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Making Plans
I ventured out from beneath the covers at 6:30. It was 43 degrees in my room. I did my exercises and dressed.
There was a huge toad in the bathroom this morning. He was sitting quietly in the corner. I told John it was either a frog or a coiled up snake. He checked it out and reported back that it was a toad. It's still there, so evidently John did not remove him.
I got to talk on Skype with Mom, Molly, Travis, Ken, Ashlyn, Zac, and Braeden. It was good to see them all. They all look great. I got to see Ashlyn's newly re-decorated room. It looks like a NYC apartment. Very sophisticated! It has the NYC skyline on one wall.
We fed six trees today. That gave me plenty of exercise shoveling and pushing the wheel barrows. We planted two new trees today, too.
I watered the baby tomatoes and lettuces in the six packs. There are 54 baby tomato plants! Where are we going to plant them, I wonder?
Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, banana, coconut, and passion fruit. After lunch, I spread out the tarp and sunbathed for an hour. Hopefully, the tarp will keep the ticks away. Karen sunbathed a little while, too. Today is her third day of fasting.
Consultations at 2:00. My tick bites on my head still hurt. There are two big knots similar to what you get when you are hit on the head with a bat. Shell back ticks pack a whollop.
I got my reservation switched to the right week at the Sydney Central Hostel. I had my weeks mixed up when I originally booked. I talked to John's travel agent about my flights. He can get me all four flights for a little over $600.00 total.
Supper was 3 lettuce leaves from the garden, tomato, 1/2 avocado, cucumber, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates. John asked me, "Where would you live if you could live anywhere you wanted?" That's a good question. I would like to live outside of the gated community... with 2-5 acres... a little further south...with a smaller house that we could pay cash for...but still close enough to HSV to take flute lessons and maybe get good enough to play in New Horizons Band (or hope against hope, flute ensemble)...not any further from Molly's family or Mom...close enough to go to church. So where would this ideal place be?
I practiced flute, studied pediatrics lesson, and read. My mind is troubled tonight worrying about things at home.
There was a huge toad in the bathroom this morning. He was sitting quietly in the corner. I told John it was either a frog or a coiled up snake. He checked it out and reported back that it was a toad. It's still there, so evidently John did not remove him.
A toad in the bathroom. |
We fed six trees today. That gave me plenty of exercise shoveling and pushing the wheel barrows. We planted two new trees today, too.
Planting the stone, fertilizer, and compost in the hole. |
I watered the baby tomatoes and lettuces in the six packs. There are 54 baby tomato plants! Where are we going to plant them, I wonder?
Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, banana, coconut, and passion fruit. After lunch, I spread out the tarp and sunbathed for an hour. Hopefully, the tarp will keep the ticks away. Karen sunbathed a little while, too. Today is her third day of fasting.
Consultations at 2:00. My tick bites on my head still hurt. There are two big knots similar to what you get when you are hit on the head with a bat. Shell back ticks pack a whollop.
I got my reservation switched to the right week at the Sydney Central Hostel. I had my weeks mixed up when I originally booked. I talked to John's travel agent about my flights. He can get me all four flights for a little over $600.00 total.
Supper was 3 lettuce leaves from the garden, tomato, 1/2 avocado, cucumber, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates. John asked me, "Where would you live if you could live anywhere you wanted?" That's a good question. I would like to live outside of the gated community... with 2-5 acres... a little further south...with a smaller house that we could pay cash for...but still close enough to HSV to take flute lessons and maybe get good enough to play in New Horizons Band (or hope against hope, flute ensemble)...not any further from Molly's family or Mom...close enough to go to church. So where would this ideal place be?
I practiced flute, studied pediatrics lesson, and read. My mind is troubled tonight worrying about things at home.
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Talking to Mom on Skype. |
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Smoking After-Effects?
I woke up early but stayed in bed until 7:00 because it is 49 degrees in my room! BRRR!!
I did the exercises I talked to John about yesterday. I used to do these exercises every morning, but am out of the habit now. I did twists, toe touches, sun salutation, leg lifts, fake push ups....
This morning I put fertilizer and mulch on three trees and then I cleaned the office. I had to go help John push the riding mower out of the tall grass he was mowing. The mower died and had to be jump started. While I was putting the wheel barrow and fertilizer up, I had a spell of asthma.
The doctor says the asthma is an after-effect of smoking. Then, he says, the asthma is followed by emphysema. In my situation, he says, we need to work on getting me to sweat. I don't sweat very much, so I need to continue to work and exercise until I do begin to sweat. He can't say how long that will take...3 months...6 months... We'll have to wait and see.
Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, banana, and coconut.
After lunch I got on the computer and answered my messages. I didn't sunbathe, but I put on some shorts and sat in the sun and read for 30 minutes.
Consultations at 2:00. Karen is on her second day of fasting.
I booked my room in Sydney. I have decided to stay at Sydney Central Hostel. I feel so BRAVE, staying at a hostel. I can walk to Chinatown, so maybe I can find sugar cane drinks there!
I checked out my flights to Melbourne, Sydney, and Cairns on Orbitz. I want to compare the price with what John's travel agent can give me.
Karen taught me a couple of Yoga poses to use in my exercises this evening.
Supper was 3 lettuce leaves fresh from the garden, a tomato, 1/2 avocado, sauerkraut, pecans, and two dates. John thinks I can tour Australia for 26 days with $600.00 in my pocket. I'm going to try it!
I practiced flute, studied Natural Hygiene, and bundled up for a cold winter night.
I did the exercises I talked to John about yesterday. I used to do these exercises every morning, but am out of the habit now. I did twists, toe touches, sun salutation, leg lifts, fake push ups....
This morning I put fertilizer and mulch on three trees and then I cleaned the office. I had to go help John push the riding mower out of the tall grass he was mowing. The mower died and had to be jump started. While I was putting the wheel barrow and fertilizer up, I had a spell of asthma.
This mower cut grass taller than it is. |
The doctor says the asthma is an after-effect of smoking. Then, he says, the asthma is followed by emphysema. In my situation, he says, we need to work on getting me to sweat. I don't sweat very much, so I need to continue to work and exercise until I do begin to sweat. He can't say how long that will take...3 months...6 months... We'll have to wait and see.
Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, banana, and coconut.
After lunch I got on the computer and answered my messages. I didn't sunbathe, but I put on some shorts and sat in the sun and read for 30 minutes.
Consultations at 2:00. Karen is on her second day of fasting.
I booked my room in Sydney. I have decided to stay at Sydney Central Hostel. I feel so BRAVE, staying at a hostel. I can walk to Chinatown, so maybe I can find sugar cane drinks there!
I checked out my flights to Melbourne, Sydney, and Cairns on Orbitz. I want to compare the price with what John's travel agent can give me.
Karen taught me a couple of Yoga poses to use in my exercises this evening.
Supper was 3 lettuce leaves fresh from the garden, a tomato, 1/2 avocado, sauerkraut, pecans, and two dates. John thinks I can tour Australia for 26 days with $600.00 in my pocket. I'm going to try it!
I practiced flute, studied Natural Hygiene, and bundled up for a cold winter night.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Wise Man Practices
Josephus: What difference is there between a learned and a wise man?
Banus: The learned knows, and the wise man practices.
I slept until 6:30 - about 11 hours. I got on line off and on through the morning. Karen sat outside and read. She is taking it easy as she begins her fast.
I cleaned my room, cleaned out my Lugable Loo, and did some hand laundry. I talked to Travis on Skype. He has his sister, Dorothy visiting as well as Dorothy's son-in-law and grandchildren, John, Ashlie, and AJ. I got to see and talk to all of them.
I am still looking for a place to stay in Sydney. It takes time trying to balance price vs location. A hostel is still a possibility, but the Ibis Hotel looks pretty good, too.
John got back from Cairns about 12:30, and we had lunch of papaya, black sapote, custard apple, avocado, banana, and coconut. Our lunch conversation was about the raw food "gurus" who are teaching raw foods but not really teaching health. Food is a part of health, but the other foundation points are equally as important. Raw food, water, fresh air, sunshine, physical exercise, rest, sleep, prayer and meditation. Each one is as important as the others. So raw chocolate may be a raw food, but it is not a health food. Same with many other raw foods. John's simple raw food diet will never make him rich, but he is setting the example on how to live a rich, healthy life with a little money.
Consultations at 2:00. I asked John if I would ever be able to have a flat tummy again. He said, "You have to work at it. And you have to keep at it." He suggested some exercises which include twists, windmills, crunches, the 8-10 original yoga postures, and shoulder stands. John like Tai Chi and Qui Gong better than Yoga. There is a Tai Chi class at the Natatorium in Hot Springs Village, Maybe I will sign up for it when I get home.
I got the last of Lesson 42 written up and sent to John. Next I'll be doing another supplemental lesson on pediatrics.
Supper was lettuce from the garden, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates. I talked John's ear off during supper about all the things I hope to do with our little garden at home. If we feed our fruit trees properly we can plant them closer together. John says we can even espalier them, but I would need someone to show me how to do that. I want to plant fruit trees in the front yard and side yard, too. I'm excited about applying the lifestyle I'm learning here in my own environment. I practiced my flute, got bundled up for a cold night, and read.
Banus: The learned knows, and the wise man practices.
I slept until 6:30 - about 11 hours. I got on line off and on through the morning. Karen sat outside and read. She is taking it easy as she begins her fast.
I cleaned my room, cleaned out my Lugable Loo, and did some hand laundry. I talked to Travis on Skype. He has his sister, Dorothy visiting as well as Dorothy's son-in-law and grandchildren, John, Ashlie, and AJ. I got to see and talk to all of them.
I am still looking for a place to stay in Sydney. It takes time trying to balance price vs location. A hostel is still a possibility, but the Ibis Hotel looks pretty good, too.
John got back from Cairns about 12:30, and we had lunch of papaya, black sapote, custard apple, avocado, banana, and coconut. Our lunch conversation was about the raw food "gurus" who are teaching raw foods but not really teaching health. Food is a part of health, but the other foundation points are equally as important. Raw food, water, fresh air, sunshine, physical exercise, rest, sleep, prayer and meditation. Each one is as important as the others. So raw chocolate may be a raw food, but it is not a health food. Same with many other raw foods. John's simple raw food diet will never make him rich, but he is setting the example on how to live a rich, healthy life with a little money.
Consultations at 2:00. I asked John if I would ever be able to have a flat tummy again. He said, "You have to work at it. And you have to keep at it." He suggested some exercises which include twists, windmills, crunches, the 8-10 original yoga postures, and shoulder stands. John like Tai Chi and Qui Gong better than Yoga. There is a Tai Chi class at the Natatorium in Hot Springs Village, Maybe I will sign up for it when I get home.
I got the last of Lesson 42 written up and sent to John. Next I'll be doing another supplemental lesson on pediatrics.
Supper was lettuce from the garden, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates. I talked John's ear off during supper about all the things I hope to do with our little garden at home. If we feed our fruit trees properly we can plant them closer together. John says we can even espalier them, but I would need someone to show me how to do that. I want to plant fruit trees in the front yard and side yard, too. I'm excited about applying the lifestyle I'm learning here in my own environment. I practiced my flute, got bundled up for a cold night, and read.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Cairns Show
I got up at 3:20 and dressed to go to Cairns. We left at 4:00 and got to Rusty's Market at 5:00 a.m. John likes to get there early because then he gets his choice of the best food. I visited for a minute with Carol (originally from New York) about her diet. Carol is a former patient of John's and eats only raw. She has gone through times when she added cooked foods back into her diet, and would eventually find herself lower in energy. She said she finally realized, "This works!" The simple, raw diet just works. Carol is at the market at 5:00 a.m., also, stocking up on good food.
We went back to Rusty's for a sugar cane drink. I am in love with those drinks.
Today's a holiday in Cairns. Almost everything is closed because of the Cairns Show. John dropped Karen and me off for a couple of hours so we could check it out. There were exhibits of photography and other art that had been judged and awarded ribbons, similar to our fairs. There was a hall of industry and a midway. There were booths, rides, and concessions. Karen and I looked inside the campers (they call them caravans) at one of the exhibits. They are priced three or four times what they would be in the U.S.
There is an arena with something going on all the time. You could stay all day up until the fireworks at 9:00 at night. We saw an equestrian event. The riders looked very British in their riding habits.
John picked us up at noon, and we had a picnic lunch beside the Coral Sea. We had papaya, avocado, custard apple, and banana.
Back at the farm, we had consultations at 2:00. Karen's temperature had gone up to 37.1, so she will begin fasting tomorrow. I did some laundry by hand and got it out on the line. The laundry was closed because of the Cairns Show, so we were unable to pick up our laundry from last week. After that, I rested until supper. I felt really sleepy after getting up so early.
Karen wanted fruit for her last meal so I had fruit with her. Supper was papaya, pineapple, avocado, coconut, and pecans.
I am detoxing today. I have a bad taste in my mouth, my tongue is coated, and I'm tired. I put on my pajamas at 5:30 and went to bed with a good book.
We went to the post office for John to check his mail, then we went to the radio station. I did my blog from the computer at the radio station and then spent the rest of the time looking at hotels in Sydney. There were special guests at the radio station this morning. Two young saxophone players came in and played a couple of songs on the morning show. They are publicizing their fund raiser for a trip to New Zealand.
Two young saxophone players at the radio station. |
We went back to Rusty's for a sugar cane drink. I am in love with those drinks.
Today's a holiday in Cairns. Almost everything is closed because of the Cairns Show. John dropped Karen and me off for a couple of hours so we could check it out. There were exhibits of photography and other art that had been judged and awarded ribbons, similar to our fairs. There was a hall of industry and a midway. There were booths, rides, and concessions. Karen and I looked inside the campers (they call them caravans) at one of the exhibits. They are priced three or four times what they would be in the U.S.
There is an arena with something going on all the time. You could stay all day up until the fireworks at 9:00 at night. We saw an equestrian event. The riders looked very British in their riding habits.
John picked us up at noon, and we had a picnic lunch beside the Coral Sea. We had papaya, avocado, custard apple, and banana.
Back at the farm, we had consultations at 2:00. Karen's temperature had gone up to 37.1, so she will begin fasting tomorrow. I did some laundry by hand and got it out on the line. The laundry was closed because of the Cairns Show, so we were unable to pick up our laundry from last week. After that, I rested until supper. I felt really sleepy after getting up so early.
Karen wanted fruit for her last meal so I had fruit with her. Supper was papaya, pineapple, avocado, coconut, and pecans.
I am detoxing today. I have a bad taste in my mouth, my tongue is coated, and I'm tired. I put on my pajamas at 5:30 and went to bed with a good book.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Letter from Mom
I slept until 6:50. It was too cold to get out from under the covers. I checked to see if we had internet, but no, there was no 240v power.
I cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen this morning. Then I finished the fence row. It's all mowed, and the plants are mulched. It looks nice. I like pushing the mower.
I grated the coconut for lunch. John mixed sour sop and banana together in the food processor. Lunch was papaya, soursop and banana, avocado, and grated coconut.
Karen and I sunbathed after lunch for about 45 minutes. I put my hair in curlers and let my hair dry in the sun. It still looks awful. I have decided my best hair do is the 1970's Russian gymnast look....just hold everything down with hair clips or bobby pins. That look is growing on me....starting to really like it. I'll try it out tomorrow in Cairns. I got to talk with Travis a little while on Skype. He's getting ready for his sister, niece and family to arrive. They are going to have fun, I know.
I got a letter from my Mom today. She is vey concerned about the python. She told me to stay away from the snake...that it will squeeze the life out of me. She told me to get John to kill it. I told John what she said.
Consultations were at 2:00. There is a hard tiny little knot behind my ear where the ear lobe meets the skull. John says it is a lymph gland. Something is leaving my body from that point. The doctor says it may improve my hearing when it's done. I hope so!
John and I discussed my plans for September. He says I need to book my flights. I'm going to Melbourne 9/4 through 9/11; sydney 9/11 through 9/18; and Brisbaine 9/18 through 9/25. I'll be staying with a friend of John's in Melbourne and with John's son in Brisbaine. I don't have anyone to stay with in Sydney. John is suggesting a hostel, but I don't think I can do that. Maybe I'll look for an affordable hotel instead. I'll probably stay in Cairns from 9/25 through 9/29. John returns from the UK on 9/29.
Supper was tomato, avocado, lettuce, cucumber, sauerkraut, pecans and dates. We talked about Audrey Hepburn tonight. I think Sabrina is my favorite Audrey Hepburn movie. I practiced flute, got everything ready for early morning departure to Cairns, studied lesson and read.
I cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen this morning. Then I finished the fence row. It's all mowed, and the plants are mulched. It looks nice. I like pushing the mower.
I grated the coconut for lunch. John mixed sour sop and banana together in the food processor. Lunch was papaya, soursop and banana, avocado, and grated coconut.
Karen and I sunbathed after lunch for about 45 minutes. I put my hair in curlers and let my hair dry in the sun. It still looks awful. I have decided my best hair do is the 1970's Russian gymnast look....just hold everything down with hair clips or bobby pins. That look is growing on me....starting to really like it. I'll try it out tomorrow in Cairns. I got to talk with Travis a little while on Skype. He's getting ready for his sister, niece and family to arrive. They are going to have fun, I know.
I got a letter from my Mom today. She is vey concerned about the python. She told me to stay away from the snake...that it will squeeze the life out of me. She told me to get John to kill it. I told John what she said.
Consultations were at 2:00. There is a hard tiny little knot behind my ear where the ear lobe meets the skull. John says it is a lymph gland. Something is leaving my body from that point. The doctor says it may improve my hearing when it's done. I hope so!
John and I discussed my plans for September. He says I need to book my flights. I'm going to Melbourne 9/4 through 9/11; sydney 9/11 through 9/18; and Brisbaine 9/18 through 9/25. I'll be staying with a friend of John's in Melbourne and with John's son in Brisbaine. I don't have anyone to stay with in Sydney. John is suggesting a hostel, but I don't think I can do that. Maybe I'll look for an affordable hotel instead. I'll probably stay in Cairns from 9/25 through 9/29. John returns from the UK on 9/29.
Supper was tomato, avocado, lettuce, cucumber, sauerkraut, pecans and dates. We talked about Audrey Hepburn tonight. I think Sabrina is my favorite Audrey Hepburn movie. I practiced flute, got everything ready for early morning departure to Cairns, studied lesson and read.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Man in the Bush with God May Meet
There is a poem I wrote in the front of my Bible many years ago. It seems to have fresh meaning now.
Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home,
I tread on the pride of Greece and Rome;
And when I am stretched beneath the pines,
Where the evening star so holy shines,
I laugh at the love and pride of man,
At the Sophist schools and the learned clan;
For what are they in their high conceit;
When man in the bush with God may meet?
I stayed in bed until 7:20 because it was too cold to get up.
I mowed the grass in front of the cabins and also started chopping up the weeds I pulled from the berry bushes along the fence row. I ran the mower over the piles a few time then put the mulch between the plants. After the mower ran out of gas, I started mulching the trees that John and Karen had been feeding. John reminded me today that the main reason we do this work with the gardening is because it is good for our own bodies. It's good for the plants, but primarily it is good for us.
John does not waste anything. He lives on a retirement pension that he gets from the Australian government plus his income from his clients. I asked him why he doesn't hire someone to help him with the farm. He explained the he could not afford to hire someone because it costs more to employ someone than just the salary you give them. But with his income, if he is careful, he can afford to work his farm himself and travel the world. But he is careful with his spending.
Lunch was black sapote, papaya, custard apple, and coconut. I was slow eating today so didn't eat my banana or passion fruit. I would like to grow passion fruit at home. There are varieties that will grow in a temperate climate.
Tina brought my flute book back to me. She and the children are going to Mission Beach for a few days for Sky's confirmation and Eucharist. I practiced my flute and got on the computer a little while. I sunbathed for 30 minutes.
We had consultations at 2:00. I weighed 55 kilos. We talked about my vaccination lesson. When I was a kid we all had measles, chicken pox and mumps. It was no big deal. I had the measles five times. Mom would tell the doctor I'd had the measles multiple time. The usual response, "No, you can only have the measles once. It wasn't the measles before." John says, "They cannot admit their philosophy is wrong." Per John - I broke out multiple times because my lifestyle didn't change, but my body was able to release the toxins through the disease. Someone else may have only been able to break out once, but they would have retained the toxins which probably manifested later as another disease, such as arthritis.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans, and two dates. I practiced flute a little more, wrote notes to Mom and Wanda, wrote postcards to grandkids, and read the rest of the evening.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Two Hours a Day
I read until 8:00 a.m. My jobs today were to feed the guavas and beach cherries with blue stone, fertilizer, compost and mulch. Then I mulched the trees John had been feeding this morning.
Our fruit trees at home need to be fed like this once a year until they get established. Once established, we can let them go up to five years between feedings. When we do feed the established trees we need to put back what we took from them. For example, if we got 100 pounds of fruit from a tree, we will need to put 100 pounds of food around the plant.
Lunch was papaya, avocado, mandarin, banana, passion fruit, and grated coconut.
I washed my hair and rolled it on rollers. It's all to no avail. It still looks terrible.
I got on the computer and got a few things done. Also, checked on the home folks.
I had two more ticks on me on my scalp and one on my face. I got the one off my face; Karen got the one off my scalp for me. The places where the bit feel like a bruise. I think I'm getting them off the trees as I walk underneath them. Maybe I'll buy a cap and see if that will help.
Consultations at 2:00. The scale is not working. I only weighed 35 kilos today. ha ha Yesterday, I was 55 kilos. No telling what my actual weight is. I guess I'll find out when I get home.
When the neck goes out, it is related to what is going on in your gut. What is going on in your gut is related to what is going into your mind and what is going into your mouth.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates.
We talked about withdrawal symptoms. Many times the food you crave is the one you are withdrawing from...You crave what you are addicted to.
I practiced flute, read, journaled, studied my lesson on vaccination, and went to bed with a good book.
If everyone in a community would supply only their actual needs for survival....including housing...everyone in the community would have to work two hours a day. A man could support a family by working four hours per day.
Blue Stone...crushed lava rock....contains 36 trace elements. |
Our fruit trees at home need to be fed like this once a year until they get established. Once established, we can let them go up to five years between feedings. When we do feed the established trees we need to put back what we took from them. For example, if we got 100 pounds of fruit from a tree, we will need to put 100 pounds of food around the plant.
The vegetable garden is doing great.
Lunch was papaya, avocado, mandarin, banana, passion fruit, and grated coconut.
I washed my hair and rolled it on rollers. It's all to no avail. It still looks terrible.
I got on the computer and got a few things done. Also, checked on the home folks.
I had two more ticks on me on my scalp and one on my face. I got the one off my face; Karen got the one off my scalp for me. The places where the bit feel like a bruise. I think I'm getting them off the trees as I walk underneath them. Maybe I'll buy a cap and see if that will help.
Consultations at 2:00. The scale is not working. I only weighed 35 kilos today. ha ha Yesterday, I was 55 kilos. No telling what my actual weight is. I guess I'll find out when I get home.
When the neck goes out, it is related to what is going on in your gut. What is going on in your gut is related to what is going into your mind and what is going into your mouth.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates.
We talked about withdrawal symptoms. Many times the food you crave is the one you are withdrawing from...You crave what you are addicted to.
I practiced flute, read, journaled, studied my lesson on vaccination, and went to bed with a good book.
If everyone in a community would supply only their actual needs for survival....including housing...everyone in the community would have to work two hours a day. A man could support a family by working four hours per day.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Germ Theory vs Cellular Theory
Bacteria are not the source of illness.
There were two French researchers who were contemporaries, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp. Bechamp was a highly esteemed scientist. Many say Pasteur borrowed much of his research from Bechamp's work. Bechamp discovered the microzyma in the blood. When a body accumulates toxins or waste matter, the microzyma become germs or bacteria that go in to clean up the waste. They are the "street cleaners". When they are no longer needed, they disappear. According to the cellular theory a healthy body is the focus. Pasteur, on the other hand, concluded that germs cause diseases and every disease has a particular germ that causes it. According to the germ theory every germ must be fought against and eliminated. The commercial interests got behind Louis Pasteur and all of medicine and even alternative medicine bases their reasoning on this theory. But is it true?
Sometimes it seems like germs cause us to get sick, and we "catch" something from some one, but it is really because we also have within our system the accumulated toxins and body waste. If we were clean and healthy inside, the germs would not infect us.
To understand this is to be free at last from the germ bogey-man. Even in cases of acute infectious disease, people in ordinary health have the same germs in their bodies. The germs become active when the conditions of the body require it (low vitality and a body clogged with waste material). In a healthy, clean person, they are harmless.
In no instance has a germ been the primal cause of a disease. The use of medicines to fight germs has done much harm. And the obsession with illogical germ theory has retarded medical advancement. (Paraphrased from Dr. Beddow-Bayly)
Professor Pettenkofer swallowed a test tube of cholera germs before his class to illustrate his disbelief in germ theory to his students. He said, "Germs are of no account in cholera. The important thing is the disposition of the individual."
The germ theory is full of inadequacies and yet all of modern medicine is built on it. To look for germs and other outside agents as the cause of disease is to turn away from the possibility of understanding the true nature and cause of disease. The proof is found by looking at the health of our nation.
Bechamp's research, on the other hand, points to basic and fundamental causes of every disease...a body clogged with waste materials and impurities. Except in cases of shock, injury, or medical intervention the causes will be 1) improper diet; 2) improper care of the body; 3) wrong lifestyle which causes enervation and exhaustion such as worry, fear, overwork, excesses, sexual abuse, environmental difficulties; 4) heredity.
These conditions determine what form the disease will take in the individual.
No matter what form the disease takes the underlying causes are identical. The symptoms are superficial.
Nature Cure doctors get "miraculous" results because they understand the unity of disease. They are not overwhelmed by a thousand different symptoms. They go directly to the root of the trouble and so are able to cure people. The medical approach attempts to get rid of superficial symptoms and never addresses the real trouble at all.
Disease is nature's attempt at healing. Disease is not something to be fought against. Disease is the result of our own mistakes, and the body is trying to rectify them. Disease is nature's attempt at a cure. The body is trying to deal as best as it can with the conditions that are impeding function.
Medical people often think they are curing disease by suppressing symptoms and stopping nature's work. In natural treatment there is humility that all I can do is help nature do her work.
The two philosophies are:
1. Disease happens by bad luck, accident, or chance. Germs enter the body from outside and have to be fought against and defeated.
2. All disease comes from within the body. It is self-generated by mistakes and errors of living. Disease is nature's attempt at self-healing.
Every tree is known by its fruit. The fruits of orthodox medical philosophy are all around us. There is an increase in chronic diseases and plagues of "flu", the majority of people on medications every day.
-Loosely based on an article by Harry Benjamin entitled "The Fallacious Germ Theory:.
There were two French researchers who were contemporaries, Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp. Bechamp was a highly esteemed scientist. Many say Pasteur borrowed much of his research from Bechamp's work. Bechamp discovered the microzyma in the blood. When a body accumulates toxins or waste matter, the microzyma become germs or bacteria that go in to clean up the waste. They are the "street cleaners". When they are no longer needed, they disappear. According to the cellular theory a healthy body is the focus. Pasteur, on the other hand, concluded that germs cause diseases and every disease has a particular germ that causes it. According to the germ theory every germ must be fought against and eliminated. The commercial interests got behind Louis Pasteur and all of medicine and even alternative medicine bases their reasoning on this theory. But is it true?
Sometimes it seems like germs cause us to get sick, and we "catch" something from some one, but it is really because we also have within our system the accumulated toxins and body waste. If we were clean and healthy inside, the germs would not infect us.
To understand this is to be free at last from the germ bogey-man. Even in cases of acute infectious disease, people in ordinary health have the same germs in their bodies. The germs become active when the conditions of the body require it (low vitality and a body clogged with waste material). In a healthy, clean person, they are harmless.
In no instance has a germ been the primal cause of a disease. The use of medicines to fight germs has done much harm. And the obsession with illogical germ theory has retarded medical advancement. (Paraphrased from Dr. Beddow-Bayly)
Professor Pettenkofer swallowed a test tube of cholera germs before his class to illustrate his disbelief in germ theory to his students. He said, "Germs are of no account in cholera. The important thing is the disposition of the individual."
The germ theory is full of inadequacies and yet all of modern medicine is built on it. To look for germs and other outside agents as the cause of disease is to turn away from the possibility of understanding the true nature and cause of disease. The proof is found by looking at the health of our nation.
Bechamp's research, on the other hand, points to basic and fundamental causes of every disease...a body clogged with waste materials and impurities. Except in cases of shock, injury, or medical intervention the causes will be 1) improper diet; 2) improper care of the body; 3) wrong lifestyle which causes enervation and exhaustion such as worry, fear, overwork, excesses, sexual abuse, environmental difficulties; 4) heredity.
These conditions determine what form the disease will take in the individual.
No matter what form the disease takes the underlying causes are identical. The symptoms are superficial.
Nature Cure doctors get "miraculous" results because they understand the unity of disease. They are not overwhelmed by a thousand different symptoms. They go directly to the root of the trouble and so are able to cure people. The medical approach attempts to get rid of superficial symptoms and never addresses the real trouble at all.
Disease is nature's attempt at healing. Disease is not something to be fought against. Disease is the result of our own mistakes, and the body is trying to rectify them. Disease is nature's attempt at a cure. The body is trying to deal as best as it can with the conditions that are impeding function.
Medical people often think they are curing disease by suppressing symptoms and stopping nature's work. In natural treatment there is humility that all I can do is help nature do her work.
The two philosophies are:
1. Disease happens by bad luck, accident, or chance. Germs enter the body from outside and have to be fought against and defeated.
2. All disease comes from within the body. It is self-generated by mistakes and errors of living. Disease is nature's attempt at self-healing.
Every tree is known by its fruit. The fruits of orthodox medical philosophy are all around us. There is an increase in chronic diseases and plagues of "flu", the majority of people on medications every day.
-Loosely based on an article by Harry Benjamin entitled "The Fallacious Germ Theory:.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I got up at 6:50 and dressed for work. There was no internet connection in the morning.
I finished weeding the beach cherries along the fence row. The rest of the morning, Karen and I planted pineapples. John spent several days preparing this new pineapple bed by making rows with a rake, adding crushed rock, organic fertilizer, compost, and mulch. Today we dug a hole with a trowel for each plant, put a trowel of blue stone and fertilizer in each hole, then planted the pineapple pressing the earth tight to be sure there was no air around the roots. Each plant was watered in with water mixed with kelp/fish oil and liquid fish.
I grated the coconut at lunch. We had papaya, sapadilla, pineapple, avocado, banana, and coconut.
I got on the computer after lunch since there was no sun to sunbathe. I saw on Facebook that my Mom was taken to the hospital at Saline Memorial. She was having chest pains and low blood pressure. Sheila's last post said that she was sitting up wanting good French food to eat. I am praying for God to watch over her and keep her well while I am gone....and for a long time to come.
Consultations at 2:00. Karen and I both gained a kilo on this crazy, antique scale. I wish John would buy a decent digital scale. I spent the afternoon reading, writing and studying.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, cucumber, lime juice, sauerkraut, pecans, and two dates.
We talked at dinner about our school mates. Karen and John concluded that Americans feel more enthusiasm for their schools than people do in Australia. I told them about our annual Redbug reunion and how I get together with my high school girlfriends from time to time and we laugh until we cry. I love my Redbug friends! They are great.
We also talked about kids and video games. For some reason, I don't seem to be as concerned about it as they are, although I am strongly in favor of more outside time and learning to focus on what is going on in the real world.
I practiced my flute then went to bed with a good book at 6:30. I'm dragging a little bit today.
I finished weeding the beach cherries along the fence row. The rest of the morning, Karen and I planted pineapples. John spent several days preparing this new pineapple bed by making rows with a rake, adding crushed rock, organic fertilizer, compost, and mulch. Today we dug a hole with a trowel for each plant, put a trowel of blue stone and fertilizer in each hole, then planted the pineapple pressing the earth tight to be sure there was no air around the roots. Each plant was watered in with water mixed with kelp/fish oil and liquid fish.
Planting pineapples. |
Watering in the pineapples. |
I grated the coconut at lunch. We had papaya, sapadilla, pineapple, avocado, banana, and coconut.
John Fielder ready for a fruit lunch. |
I got on the computer after lunch since there was no sun to sunbathe. I saw on Facebook that my Mom was taken to the hospital at Saline Memorial. She was having chest pains and low blood pressure. Sheila's last post said that she was sitting up wanting good French food to eat. I am praying for God to watch over her and keep her well while I am gone....and for a long time to come.
Consultations at 2:00. Karen and I both gained a kilo on this crazy, antique scale. I wish John would buy a decent digital scale. I spent the afternoon reading, writing and studying.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, cucumber, lime juice, sauerkraut, pecans, and two dates.
We talked at dinner about our school mates. Karen and John concluded that Americans feel more enthusiasm for their schools than people do in Australia. I told them about our annual Redbug reunion and how I get together with my high school girlfriends from time to time and we laugh until we cry. I love my Redbug friends! They are great.
We also talked about kids and video games. For some reason, I don't seem to be as concerned about it as they are, although I am strongly in favor of more outside time and learning to focus on what is going on in the real world.
I practiced my flute then went to bed with a good book at 6:30. I'm dragging a little bit today.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Mareeba Rodeo
During the night I had many healing symptoms like I am close to a healing crisis. A healing crisis will be the time to begin fasting. During the night, I felt sick, headache, stiff neck, sore nose, sore tongue, bad taste in the mouth, kidney pain, lower back pain, arthritic and swollen fingers. At 6:00 a.m. I felt better, but the symptoms were still there.
There was no 240 volt this morning, thus no computer. I went back to bed and read a book. I showered and washed my goodbye straight hair....hello curly hair. Today was a day of rest. I worked on getting more cobbler's pins out of my jacket and reading.
John was in Cairns for the day, so Karen and I prepared lunch. We had papaya, pineapple, sapadilla. I cracked the coconut and shredded it with the coconut shredder. We crack the coconut by beating it on the edge of the cement porch. Once it cracks, we catch the coconut water in a bowl and everyone gets a drink of the coconut water right out of the bowl. A coconut half is then grated into the rest of the coconut water. The other half is saved until the next day. It will be grated without any coconut water. Karen made us a wonderful dessert - layer of mashed banana, layer of chopped pineapple, layer of mashed banana, layer of shredded coconut, layer of pecans.
John was late getting in today. He was to pick up a client at the airport. Her flight was delayed for two hours, so he waited in Cairns for it to arrive. When the plane landed, he waited until the last person from the flight was gone and she didn't show up. It's a mystery.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, lime juice, sauerkraut, pecans and 2 dates.
We discussed John's diet during dinner tonight. He eat's the foods he does because they supply the nutrition he needs in the simplest form. It keeps his life simple and avoids stress. The foods are simple to buy and simple to prepare. The green leaves are almost a complete food in themselves. Dates, also, are almost a complete food. John includes cottage cheese and kefir from raw, organic milk in his diet.
If someone does not like sauerkraut, yogurt could be used to supply the probiotics as long as it is made from raw, organic milk. I love the 360 brand of sauerkraut from Whole Foods. I plan to find a good source for cheese when I get home.
I got John's approval on making a salad dressing with lemon juice, olive oil, honey, and herbs from the garden. Vinegar is not to be used in food.
Jonathon, Tina, Leon and Sky from next door picked me up at 5:00, and we went to Mareeba to the rodeo. There was a small midway and a rodeo arena. Price of admission was $30.00. Leon, who is seven, was looking forward to the bull-riding. That was the last thing on the program for the day. It was so much fun being in an arena with Australian cowboys. We sat by a man whose son is a 16-year-old bull-rider. He is sending his son to America next year to work with a former rodeo champion so he can possibly make it on the rodeo circuit in the United States.
I went into a pirate spooky house with Tina and Leon. It was one guy inside with a scary mask and a flashlight. As our little car made it around the track, he would turn on the light and put his face up close to ours. That cost us $8.00 each.
We got home at 10:20. That's a late night for the Clohesy River Health Farm.
There was no 240 volt this morning, thus no computer. I went back to bed and read a book. I showered and washed my goodbye straight hair....hello curly hair. Today was a day of rest. I worked on getting more cobbler's pins out of my jacket and reading.
John was in Cairns for the day, so Karen and I prepared lunch. We had papaya, pineapple, sapadilla. I cracked the coconut and shredded it with the coconut shredder. We crack the coconut by beating it on the edge of the cement porch. Once it cracks, we catch the coconut water in a bowl and everyone gets a drink of the coconut water right out of the bowl. A coconut half is then grated into the rest of the coconut water. The other half is saved until the next day. It will be grated without any coconut water. Karen made us a wonderful dessert - layer of mashed banana, layer of chopped pineapple, layer of mashed banana, layer of shredded coconut, layer of pecans.
John was late getting in today. He was to pick up a client at the airport. Her flight was delayed for two hours, so he waited in Cairns for it to arrive. When the plane landed, he waited until the last person from the flight was gone and she didn't show up. It's a mystery.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, lime juice, sauerkraut, pecans and 2 dates.
We discussed John's diet during dinner tonight. He eat's the foods he does because they supply the nutrition he needs in the simplest form. It keeps his life simple and avoids stress. The foods are simple to buy and simple to prepare. The green leaves are almost a complete food in themselves. Dates, also, are almost a complete food. John includes cottage cheese and kefir from raw, organic milk in his diet.
If someone does not like sauerkraut, yogurt could be used to supply the probiotics as long as it is made from raw, organic milk. I love the 360 brand of sauerkraut from Whole Foods. I plan to find a good source for cheese when I get home.
I got John's approval on making a salad dressing with lemon juice, olive oil, honey, and herbs from the garden. Vinegar is not to be used in food.
Jonathon, Tina, Leon and Sky from next door picked me up at 5:00, and we went to Mareeba to the rodeo. There was a small midway and a rodeo arena. Price of admission was $30.00. Leon, who is seven, was looking forward to the bull-riding. That was the last thing on the program for the day. It was so much fun being in an arena with Australian cowboys. We sat by a man whose son is a 16-year-old bull-rider. He is sending his son to America next year to work with a former rodeo champion so he can possibly make it on the rodeo circuit in the United States.
The midway at the Mareeba Rodeo. |
The rodeo arena. |
Here I am at the Mareeba Rodeo. |
Man in blue plaid shirt is father of 16-yr old bull-rider. |
I went into a pirate spooky house with Tina and Leon. It was one guy inside with a scary mask and a flashlight. As our little car made it around the track, he would turn on the light and put his face up close to ours. That cost us $8.00 each.
We got home at 10:20. That's a late night for the Clohesy River Health Farm.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Baby Kangaroo
I got up at 3:30 a.m. and got ready for the trip to Cairns. We went to Rusty's Market to buy our produce for the week, the post office, and the radio station. I used the computer at the radio station to check email, Facebook, and the U.S. news. Travis was online so was able to message with him a bit on Facebook. The station had a drawing today for ten prizes, so I quickly bought three chances, but alas, my name was not drawn. The money goes to support this community radio station, so it was a good cause. Chris and Ron do the morning show, and they let me sit in the studio with them during the broadcast for a little while.
We ran around all morning....the laundry to exchange our dirty laundry for our clean laundry, the post office again, the Mac store, the guitar store, back to the radio station, the pharmacy for curl enhancer, the health food store for sauerkraut, then back to the farm.
Lunch was papaya, black sapote, custard apple, banana, avocado, and grated coconut.
I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms. My stomach growls and has a gnawing feeling. It's not hunger, because true hunger is felt in your mouth. I asked the doctor why I would be having withdrawal 28 days after I get here. It is because I have finally built up enough vitality for my body to begin a new phase of healing.
Karen and I went for a long walk this afternoon. We walked down Cedar Park Road. There were high metal fences on both sides of the road which Karen informed me was the boundary for the nudist colony. We didn't see anybody, thank goodness. We walked on down to Cedar Park resort and saw a baby kangaroo. We sat on the ground and it slowly hopped closer and closer to us. He got maybe 6-8 feet from us before he decided to hop off into the bush. And me without my camera!
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, 2 dates and pecans. I made a joke tonight that we should do a recipe book on 101 ways to prepare lettuce, tomato, and avocado.
I went over to Tina's house tonight. Their home is open to the air. Her children, Leon and Sky, like to sit in the chair swing in the living room. She has pretty rugs down. They were having dinner by candlelight when I arrived because they have no electricity yet. The bathtub is in the backyard, and they heat the water in a cauldron with a wood fire. We played our flute duets in the backyard as long as there was light to see the music.
We ran around all morning....the laundry to exchange our dirty laundry for our clean laundry, the post office again, the Mac store, the guitar store, back to the radio station, the pharmacy for curl enhancer, the health food store for sauerkraut, then back to the farm.
Lunch was papaya, black sapote, custard apple, banana, avocado, and grated coconut.
I am experiencing withdrawal symptoms. My stomach growls and has a gnawing feeling. It's not hunger, because true hunger is felt in your mouth. I asked the doctor why I would be having withdrawal 28 days after I get here. It is because I have finally built up enough vitality for my body to begin a new phase of healing.
Karen and I went for a long walk this afternoon. We walked down Cedar Park Road. There were high metal fences on both sides of the road which Karen informed me was the boundary for the nudist colony. We didn't see anybody, thank goodness. We walked on down to Cedar Park resort and saw a baby kangaroo. We sat on the ground and it slowly hopped closer and closer to us. He got maybe 6-8 feet from us before he decided to hop off into the bush. And me without my camera!
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, 2 dates and pecans. I made a joke tonight that we should do a recipe book on 101 ways to prepare lettuce, tomato, and avocado.
I went over to Tina's house tonight. Their home is open to the air. Her children, Leon and Sky, like to sit in the chair swing in the living room. She has pretty rugs down. They were having dinner by candlelight when I arrived because they have no electricity yet. The bathtub is in the backyard, and they heat the water in a cauldron with a wood fire. We played our flute duets in the backyard as long as there was light to see the music.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Flute Duets
I had trouble going to sleep last night. I was still awake at 10:00, but then I slept until 6:50 this morning. I hurriedly dressed and went over to the computer room, but there was no satellite connection. What a disappointment!
We cleaned the cabin for the new arrival who is coming in on Saturday. I cleaned the shower and bathrooms, too. Then I cleaned my own cabin. I cleaned out my Lugable Loo and got it all freshened up.
Lunch was papaya, avocado, custard apple, mandarin, banana, and grated coconut.
I finished cleaning my room after lunch and then sun bathed for 40 minutes.
Consultations at 2:00. Indentations on the edge of the tongue indicate starch poisoning. Anyone with starch poisoning needs to eliminate grains. Starch poisoning causes depression, psychosis, eczema, tuberculosis, and more.
I got on the computer for awhile this afternoon. My timing is really off to talk to my family. I studied my lesson until 4:30.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, lime juice, grated carrot, grated pumpkin, pecans and one date.
I have a new symptom that has re-appeared from many years ago. It is a pain in the left side that feels like a stitch in the side from running hard. I had this mysterious pain when I was in my 30's and was always fearful that I had cancer. I was afraid to go to the doctor and afraid not to go. That pain is back. So that's good. But it does hurt.
Tina came up after supper and we played flute duets until it got too dark to see...then we moved into the bathroom where there is a light and played a little more. It was so much fun. Tina is married to John's son, Jonathan. They just moved onto the property. Tina is from Germany, and she played flute in orchestra in Germany until she was nineteen years old. She met Jonathon while traveling in New Zealand, and that is how she ended up here.
We cleaned the cabin for the new arrival who is coming in on Saturday. I cleaned the shower and bathrooms, too. Then I cleaned my own cabin. I cleaned out my Lugable Loo and got it all freshened up.
Lunch was papaya, avocado, custard apple, mandarin, banana, and grated coconut.
I finished cleaning my room after lunch and then sun bathed for 40 minutes.
Consultations at 2:00. Indentations on the edge of the tongue indicate starch poisoning. Anyone with starch poisoning needs to eliminate grains. Starch poisoning causes depression, psychosis, eczema, tuberculosis, and more.
I got on the computer for awhile this afternoon. My timing is really off to talk to my family. I studied my lesson until 4:30.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, lime juice, grated carrot, grated pumpkin, pecans and one date.
I have a new symptom that has re-appeared from many years ago. It is a pain in the left side that feels like a stitch in the side from running hard. I had this mysterious pain when I was in my 30's and was always fearful that I had cancer. I was afraid to go to the doctor and afraid not to go. That pain is back. So that's good. But it does hurt.
Tina came up after supper and we played flute duets until it got too dark to see...then we moved into the bathroom where there is a light and played a little more. It was so much fun. Tina is married to John's son, Jonathan. They just moved onto the property. Tina is from Germany, and she played flute in orchestra in Germany until she was nineteen years old. She met Jonathon while traveling in New Zealand, and that is how she ended up here.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Cover the seeds with Compost....not Mulch.
I got up at 6:15 after sleeping for over 10 hours. My kidney was hurting when I first got up but felt better after I began to move around.
My computer time was short because the 240 volt battery didn't have enough power. I got my pictures uploaded and read my emails. Anna posted an interesting article about an Essene minister who was reporting the harmful effects of the long-term vegan diet.
I cleaned the toilets this morning before starting the gardening. I watered the little six packs and single packs I planted yesterday. Then I planted seeds directly into the garden bed. It was back-breaking work, because I planted the seeds individually about 1/2" - 1" apart. When the plants come up, we will thin them by transplanting some to another location. The rest will stay where they are. I planted Lambs Lettuce, Brown Mignonette Lettuce, and two kinds of cherry tomatoes.
I made a mistake which I found out about after I had planted five rows. I pulled the mulch over my seeds! I was supposed to cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost and leave the mulch back until the seedlings were up. I did the last three rows right. I'm praying for the ones that are covered in mulch. I hope they make it.
I learned a little bit about pruning our fruit trees. It is okay to cut the top out and keep them the height we want them. They do not have to be dormant when you prune them.
I also learned a little bit about banana trees. One long stalk bears one bunch of bananas. That stalk is then taken out. Suckers come up at the base of the tree that become a stalk. These suckers can also be moved to a new location and start a new tree.
Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, banana, soursop and banana blend, and grated coconut.
We had good sun after lunch so got an hour sunbath while reading my Natural Hygiene lesson. We had consultations at 2:00. Karen still has not started fasting. We are waiting on her to develop a fever. That will be the correct time to start the fast. Her temp was up just a little bit today. Indentations around the edge of the tongue indicate starch poisoning.
I got on the computer in the afternoon, but everyone at home was asleep, of course. Grandson Caleb is trying to chat with me, but we are missing each other.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, cucumber, grated carrot, lime juice, sauerkraut, pecans, and dates. We all fixed our own dinner tonight. All from the same ingredients, yet they all looked different. I made a salad and an avocado dressing using avocado, lime juice, and a little liquid from the sauerkraut.
I have to figure out some way to add some raw animal products to my diet when I get home. John uses cottage cheese and kefir, but I don't like them. I don't like raw eggs. I don't want raw fish. What I need is a good source for cheeses made with unpasteurized milk from cows that are not given anti-biotics or hormones. Maybe Organic Pastures will be a good source if I can't find a local source.
I practiced my flute after supper and Karen practiced her guitar.
I still haven't lost any weight, but I put on my size small tee shirt from Florida and it fit!. It did not fit when I left home. The doctor says my fat is turning to muscle.
There is a bird that screams every night about dark. I asked what is that animal that sounds like a kid screaming. John says it is a curlew. The locals say it sounds like a woman being murdered. That describes it pretty good.
My computer time was short because the 240 volt battery didn't have enough power. I got my pictures uploaded and read my emails. Anna posted an interesting article about an Essene minister who was reporting the harmful effects of the long-term vegan diet.
I cleaned the toilets this morning before starting the gardening. I watered the little six packs and single packs I planted yesterday. Then I planted seeds directly into the garden bed. It was back-breaking work, because I planted the seeds individually about 1/2" - 1" apart. When the plants come up, we will thin them by transplanting some to another location. The rest will stay where they are. I planted Lambs Lettuce, Brown Mignonette Lettuce, and two kinds of cherry tomatoes.
I made a mistake which I found out about after I had planted five rows. I pulled the mulch over my seeds! I was supposed to cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost and leave the mulch back until the seedlings were up. I did the last three rows right. I'm praying for the ones that are covered in mulch. I hope they make it.
These are planted wrong!. I pulled the mulch up over my seeds. |
The rows between the lettuce are planted right. They have a thin layer of compost over them. The mulch will be pulled in after the seedlings are up. |
I also learned a little bit about banana trees. One long stalk bears one bunch of bananas. That stalk is then taken out. Suckers come up at the base of the tree that become a stalk. These suckers can also be moved to a new location and start a new tree.
Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, banana, soursop and banana blend, and grated coconut.
We had good sun after lunch so got an hour sunbath while reading my Natural Hygiene lesson. We had consultations at 2:00. Karen still has not started fasting. We are waiting on her to develop a fever. That will be the correct time to start the fast. Her temp was up just a little bit today. Indentations around the edge of the tongue indicate starch poisoning.
I got on the computer in the afternoon, but everyone at home was asleep, of course. Grandson Caleb is trying to chat with me, but we are missing each other.
Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, cucumber, grated carrot, lime juice, sauerkraut, pecans, and dates. We all fixed our own dinner tonight. All from the same ingredients, yet they all looked different. I made a salad and an avocado dressing using avocado, lime juice, and a little liquid from the sauerkraut.
I have to figure out some way to add some raw animal products to my diet when I get home. John uses cottage cheese and kefir, but I don't like them. I don't like raw eggs. I don't want raw fish. What I need is a good source for cheeses made with unpasteurized milk from cows that are not given anti-biotics or hormones. Maybe Organic Pastures will be a good source if I can't find a local source.
I practiced my flute after supper and Karen practiced her guitar.
I still haven't lost any weight, but I put on my size small tee shirt from Florida and it fit!. It did not fit when I left home. The doctor says my fat is turning to muscle.
There is a bird that screams every night about dark. I asked what is that animal that sounds like a kid screaming. John says it is a curlew. The locals say it sounds like a woman being murdered. That describes it pretty good.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Coconut is a Good Food
This morning we finished putting the mesh over the vegetable garden. John decided to wait a couple of months before putting up the shade cloth. I planted six bean plants between the lettuce. Then I planted lettuce seed and tomato seed in small pots and six packs - one seed per container. I planted the seeds in compost and then dipped them in kelp and fish oil water.
While watching John grate the coconut for our lunch, I discussed with him an article I got from Mary about the wonderful benefits of coconut. It said that coconut oil would stop symptoms of illness, rehydrate the body, rev up the metabolism, make your skin healthier, relieve stomach problems, make your hair look good, and calm you down. John then said, "Listen to what you are saying." Then I had to acknowledge that in Nature Cure we are not "anti" bacteria nor do we promote suppressing healing symptoms. As for skin and hair care, health comes from within, not from without. You can't apply coconut oil to the exterior of the skin and expect it to make your skin healthy. As for "doctoring" a wound, water is just as effective. So the bottom line is, coconut is an excellent food, but in Nature Cure we don't use even the best foods as "medicines". We concentrate on building health and the body knows how to heal itself. It's easy to get sucked into germ theory thinking because it is so prevalent.
Lunch today was papaya, soursop, banana, passion fruit, banana, and coconut. None of us ate our soursop so John is going to blend them tomorrow.
I got a one hour sunbath and read in my lesson on the Hygienic Care of Children. We had our consultations at 2:00. I MAY have possibly lost 1/2 of a kilo. My healing symptoms at this time are itchy kin, arthritis in the hands, swollen hands, and bad taste in my mouth. As you begin to heal, the suppressed illnesses of the past show up more or less in reverse order. I'm trying to remember when the arthritic feeling fingers manifested before. I know I've felt it before, but I can't place when. My nose is still sore. Overall I feel good, though.
I got a little computer time in the afternoon. John had a meeting in Cairns tonight and left here at 4:00. Karen and I were on our own. We fixed supper of tomato, avocado, cucumber, lime juice, grated carrot, and sauerkraut. Karen has worked in a raw food restaurant, and she made a beautiful presentation of the food. Her dream is to go to America and study to be a raw food chef. We had dates and pecans to finish off our meal.
Karen and I got on the computer after supper. Karen had to transfer some funds and then we looked at pictures of our families on Facebook. I practiced flute a little while, and Karen practiced her guitar.
I found a tick on my neck tonight. I had to get up with my flashlight and walk to the toilet so I could flush him away.
John told me a story today to illustrate how food is only a part of the healthy lifestyle. He met a lady in the States who was a raw fooder. She told him she did all the right things yet she was still sick all the time. While traveling through Appalachia he passed through her town and stopped to visit her. What he found was a house surrounded by trees and shrubbery so thick that no light could possibly get through the windows. There was also a windowless basement in this house where the lady spent most of her time on a computer. Doctor's diagnosis. Sunshine is just as important as the food. Get outside into the fresh air and sun.
While watching John grate the coconut for our lunch, I discussed with him an article I got from Mary about the wonderful benefits of coconut. It said that coconut oil would stop symptoms of illness, rehydrate the body, rev up the metabolism, make your skin healthier, relieve stomach problems, make your hair look good, and calm you down. John then said, "Listen to what you are saying." Then I had to acknowledge that in Nature Cure we are not "anti" bacteria nor do we promote suppressing healing symptoms. As for skin and hair care, health comes from within, not from without. You can't apply coconut oil to the exterior of the skin and expect it to make your skin healthy. As for "doctoring" a wound, water is just as effective. So the bottom line is, coconut is an excellent food, but in Nature Cure we don't use even the best foods as "medicines". We concentrate on building health and the body knows how to heal itself. It's easy to get sucked into germ theory thinking because it is so prevalent.
Lunch today was papaya, soursop, banana, passion fruit, banana, and coconut. None of us ate our soursop so John is going to blend them tomorrow.
I got a one hour sunbath and read in my lesson on the Hygienic Care of Children. We had our consultations at 2:00. I MAY have possibly lost 1/2 of a kilo. My healing symptoms at this time are itchy kin, arthritis in the hands, swollen hands, and bad taste in my mouth. As you begin to heal, the suppressed illnesses of the past show up more or less in reverse order. I'm trying to remember when the arthritic feeling fingers manifested before. I know I've felt it before, but I can't place when. My nose is still sore. Overall I feel good, though.
I got a little computer time in the afternoon. John had a meeting in Cairns tonight and left here at 4:00. Karen and I were on our own. We fixed supper of tomato, avocado, cucumber, lime juice, grated carrot, and sauerkraut. Karen has worked in a raw food restaurant, and she made a beautiful presentation of the food. Her dream is to go to America and study to be a raw food chef. We had dates and pecans to finish off our meal.
Karen and I got on the computer after supper. Karen had to transfer some funds and then we looked at pictures of our families on Facebook. I practiced flute a little while, and Karen practiced her guitar.
I found a tick on my neck tonight. I had to get up with my flashlight and walk to the toilet so I could flush him away.
John told me a story today to illustrate how food is only a part of the healthy lifestyle. He met a lady in the States who was a raw fooder. She told him she did all the right things yet she was still sick all the time. While traveling through Appalachia he passed through her town and stopped to visit her. What he found was a house surrounded by trees and shrubbery so thick that no light could possibly get through the windows. There was also a windowless basement in this house where the lady spent most of her time on a computer. Doctor's diagnosis. Sunshine is just as important as the food. Get outside into the fresh air and sun.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Someone Has Been Smoking!
I dreamed I got a smallpox vaccination. I was upset because I never intended to get another vaccination. HSV was giving free vaccinations to the citizens, and they were lined up around the building to get their shots. Then I developed a huge open sore on my stomach. I was looking in the phone book for a doctor since I don't have a medical doctor anymore. While trying to decide who to call I realized the sore would heal without the help of a doctor. That's the end of the dream.
We talked at supper last night about how liberating it is to understand Nature Cure. It takes away the fear of sickness and disease to a great extent. When you understand that your symptoms are there to heal you, you stop responding as if you are being attacked by an enemy. No more fear of epidemics, fevers, aches and pains, inflammations, etc. God is the healer. Our part is to co-operate by not getting in the way.
Be thankful for your illness.
I got on the computer for about 1-1/2 hours in the morning before I lost the broadband satellite connection.
Before going to work this morning I cleaned the toilets and picked a few cobbler's pins out of my jacket.
This morning we finished the framework over the vegetable bed. Now we are working on putting wire fencing over the framework so we can attach the shade cloth.
John drove me by Overflow so I could look for the young girl that collects American coins. I let her have my $1.00 bill and about $3-4 worth of change. She offered me $5.00 AUD. I let her give me $2.00 AUD so that I will have enough money to pay for my laundry on Friday.
There was a street musician playing at the plaza and his partner was hula hoop dancing. I videoed them performing Folsom Prison Blues.
We had a consultation with Karen. She's lost three kilos in three days. I've lost 0 kilos in three weeks.
Supper was lettuce, grated carrot, diced avocado, lime juice, sauerkraut, dates, and pecans. We had a nice conversation at dinner about all the raw food teachers...Dan McDonald, David Wolfe, Gabriel Cousins, Doug Graham, and more. John says Paul Nison has become a Christian. I need to check him out.
After dinner Karen and I had a visit about the state of the world. I did my best to defend the U. S. gun laws and our right to bear arms. I practiced my flute in the office tonight. Tina was giving her kids showers in the shower room which is opposite the office. She told me she plays the flute, too. Her daughter is also learning to play. We agreed to play some duets soon. How awesome!
We talked at supper last night about how liberating it is to understand Nature Cure. It takes away the fear of sickness and disease to a great extent. When you understand that your symptoms are there to heal you, you stop responding as if you are being attacked by an enemy. No more fear of epidemics, fevers, aches and pains, inflammations, etc. God is the healer. Our part is to co-operate by not getting in the way.
Be thankful for your illness.
I got on the computer for about 1-1/2 hours in the morning before I lost the broadband satellite connection.
Before going to work this morning I cleaned the toilets and picked a few cobbler's pins out of my jacket.
This morning we finished the framework over the vegetable bed. Now we are working on putting wire fencing over the framework so we can attach the shade cloth.
When I had been here a week, John mentioned that he could smell someone had been smoking. Since I was the only person here I quickly said, "It's not me." This morning he said that he can smell nicotine being released from my body. That's awesome, I guess, but I haven't smoked in 22 or 23 years. He said my body is just now able to release it. He is trying to impress on me that my little indiscretions can take weeks, months, or years to overcome.
Lunch today was papaya, avocado, delicious pineapple, sapadilla, tamarilla, and coconut. I had a banana, but wasn't able to eat it.
It is better to eat foods one at a time, rather than mixing them together because when you eat them one at a time you can listen to your body tell you if it wants a particular food at this time. It also keeps you from disguising a food you don't like with flavoring from something else.
Chinese restaurants use MSG which is a flavor enhancer. MSG is also a poison. If they didn't use the flavor enhancer you would realize the food does not taste good. In the US the restaurants are allowed to say they do not use MSG if it is less than 99% pure MSG. They just call it by a different name.
Karen, John and I went to Mareeba after lunch. We picked up the goat milk. This is our last week to get goat milk for awhile, because it is going to waste. I won't eat cottage cheese, and it is too much for John to eat by himself.
We went in all the hardware/sporting goods stores in Mareeba so Karen could look for a high quality camping mattress. They are about $300.00. She couldn't find on that was the quality she is looking for.
So when I toured Australia, I can always say I saw the hardware stores of Mareeba!
Karen shopping for a camping mattress. |
There was a street musician playing at the plaza and his partner was hula hoop dancing. I videoed them performing Folsom Prison Blues.
We had a consultation with Karen. She's lost three kilos in three days. I've lost 0 kilos in three weeks.
Supper was lettuce, grated carrot, diced avocado, lime juice, sauerkraut, dates, and pecans. We had a nice conversation at dinner about all the raw food teachers...Dan McDonald, David Wolfe, Gabriel Cousins, Doug Graham, and more. John says Paul Nison has become a Christian. I need to check him out.
After dinner Karen and I had a visit about the state of the world. I did my best to defend the U. S. gun laws and our right to bear arms. I practiced my flute in the office tonight. Tina was giving her kids showers in the shower room which is opposite the office. She told me she plays the flute, too. Her daughter is also learning to play. We agreed to play some duets soon. How awesome!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Please Don't Call an Ambulance
I got up at 6:00 and dressed for work. I got on the computer, but have only 11% battery power. I don't know why it failed to charge yesterday. I was able to Skype with my Momma. She says she thinks I am working too hard! Mom says she is keeping up with me by reading the blogs. Travis prints them off for her. She is having dinner with Molly and family tonight. She looked really good. Also, got to see Molly, Ken and Ashlyn before the computer shut itself down.
Ashlyn passed off one of her achievements in tumbling. She was able to do a back bend and bring herself back up to a standing position on her own power! Molly asked her how she was finally able to do it after working on it so long. She said, "I imagined that Jan Jan was standing there when I stood up".
John hurt his knee somehow working here on the farm, so he decided to rest it today by building the framework on the vegetable beds for the protective mesh covering. I weeded one section of the Beach Cherries and then got recruited to help him with this construction project. We measured the arches to find the approximate center and then the halfway points on each side. He used a hand drill with a drill bit to drill holes in the scrap lumber we used for the framework. Then it was held in place with old roofing screws.
Ashlyn passed off one of her achievements in tumbling. She was able to do a back bend and bring herself back up to a standing position on her own power! Molly asked her how she was finally able to do it after working on it so long. She said, "I imagined that Jan Jan was standing there when I stood up".
John hurt his knee somehow working here on the farm, so he decided to rest it today by building the framework on the vegetable beds for the protective mesh covering. I weeded one section of the Beach Cherries and then got recruited to help him with this construction project. We measured the arches to find the approximate center and then the halfway points on each side. He used a hand drill with a drill bit to drill holes in the scrap lumber we used for the framework. Then it was held in place with old roofing screws.
John had a few times where he wobbled around up on the shaky ladder. I said, "I am assuming if you fall off that ladder that you do not want me to call an ambulance". He said most definitely not. Then he told a story about how he had to strongly insist with some people in Sydney to keep them from calling an ambulance for him. He had been running on a wet road to catch a ferry when he fell and hit the pavement face first. He was hurt and bleeding. People gathered around saying, "Call an ambulance." "Get a doctor." He told them, "Please don't. Just let me sit here for a while and see what the situation is." Finally everyone left him except one woman and one man. These people are representative of the kindness that is found the world over. The woman said she would stay until he was taken care of. The man ended up driving him all the way across Sydney to where he was staying.
Lunch was papaya, avocado, pineapple, tamarillo, banana, and coconut. I got a sunbath today and read my book.
We had our consultation with Karen. She just stopped smoking 24 hours ago.
My computer charged up to 100% today. Woo Hoo. Life's little pleasures! So happy about that. I got my lesson 41 Questions sent in. I am starting a supplemental lesson on the Natural and Hygienic Care of Children.
John and Karen |
I still weigh 57 kilos...same as I did when I got her.
Supper was tomato, avocado, grated carrot, lime juice, sauerkraut, 3 dates and pecans.
At supper we talked about the colloidal salts found in the sauerkraut vs the salts in their crystal form...such as sea salt or table salt. The colloidal salts are in a form where we can utilize these necessary elements. It is John's belief that salt in its crystallized form is harmful to us.
Karen came by my room for a few minutes for a chat after supper. I showed her some of the lessons in the course I am studying. She hopes to go to the U.S. to take a raw chef course at 105 Degrees. We talked about the Findhorn Garden. Then she told me about a self-sustaining organic community not too far from us called The Hermitage. It is at Cedar Pocket, Australia near Gympie and Maleny. It is owned by a lady named Pippa. She said they have an impressive web-site.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Karen's Arrival
I slept nearly twelve hours. I got up at 7:00 and did my hand laundry and then got on the computer. I skyped with Amy and the kids and then with Travis. Skype makes it much easier to talk to the family.
I have decided this is a good time to read the Bible through again while I am here. I have read the Bible through quite a few time in the past, but it's been a while since I systematically read it through completely. I am using the same system I have used successfully in the past. I have divided the Bible into seven sections - Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Gospels, and Epistles. Right now I am reading from Genesis, Ezra, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jonah, Acts, and 1 Timothy. I didn't start at the beginning of each section. I started where I was already at in my less systematic reading. Maybe I can get through it by December.
I studied my natural hygiene lesson on James C. Thomson and got it typed up and sent to John. Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, tamarillo, passion fruit, banana, longans, and grated coconut. Also got a good sunbath and read in my Fit for Life not Fat for Life book.
We had our initial consultation with Karen. I like her and hope she will achieve all that she is hoping for. She will be here for 4-1/2 weeks. She works in a toxic environment driving heavy equipment. She is hoping to find the courage to leave her high paying job to find a healthier lifestyle.
My computer did not charge up today even though I had it plugged in. It's only had an 11% charge. I don't understand why. I was able to do a few things, but I won't have any power tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to talk to my momma on Skype tomorrow morning.
Supper was tomato, grated carrot, avocado, lettuce, lime juice, sauerkraut, dates and pecans.
There is a gecko in my room. I don't like it, but John says he won't hurt me. Karen says he has just come for a little visit, and it is a good omen. There is a spider in here somewhere, too. When I came in from the office after practicing my flute he was in the middle of the floor. As I walked across the room to turn on the light he ran off somewhere. Yuck!
I worked on my Lesson 41 Questions then read awhile.
Be healthy and happy.
I have decided this is a good time to read the Bible through again while I am here. I have read the Bible through quite a few time in the past, but it's been a while since I systematically read it through completely. I am using the same system I have used successfully in the past. I have divided the Bible into seven sections - Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets, Gospels, and Epistles. Right now I am reading from Genesis, Ezra, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jonah, Acts, and 1 Timothy. I didn't start at the beginning of each section. I started where I was already at in my less systematic reading. Maybe I can get through it by December.
I studied my natural hygiene lesson on James C. Thomson and got it typed up and sent to John. Lunch was papaya, custard apple, avocado, tamarillo, passion fruit, banana, longans, and grated coconut. Also got a good sunbath and read in my Fit for Life not Fat for Life book.
We had our initial consultation with Karen. I like her and hope she will achieve all that she is hoping for. She will be here for 4-1/2 weeks. She works in a toxic environment driving heavy equipment. She is hoping to find the courage to leave her high paying job to find a healthier lifestyle.
My computer did not charge up today even though I had it plugged in. It's only had an 11% charge. I don't understand why. I was able to do a few things, but I won't have any power tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to talk to my momma on Skype tomorrow morning.
Supper was tomato, grated carrot, avocado, lettuce, lime juice, sauerkraut, dates and pecans.
There is a gecko in my room. I don't like it, but John says he won't hurt me. Karen says he has just come for a little visit, and it is a good omen. There is a spider in here somewhere, too. When I came in from the office after practicing my flute he was in the middle of the floor. As I walked across the room to turn on the light he ran off somewhere. Yuck!
I worked on my Lesson 41 Questions then read awhile.
Be healthy and happy.
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