We had a spring-break trip Orlando, FL to Universal Studios and Epcot Center with Molly and the grand-kids. It was fun.
The family at Universal Studios. |
Then we went to Philadelphia to see the Philly family and had a marvelous time there.
Travis and me with the Philadelphia grandkids. |
The hardest thing about traveling is trying to eat right. So even though we had a great time, it's good to be back home and following my little routines that keep me on track.
Lunch today was a green smoothie (kale, coconut water, kiwi, mango, banana, and water); watermelon; avocado; and goody ball. I ate a little papaya but decided to save it to go in the smoothie tomorrow.
I practiced flute for over two hours today. The concerts are coming up in a couple of weeks, and I don't feel at all ready.
Clear Creek Gardener is a new nursery not too far from our house. Travis and I stopped by there on Saturday to check out what they had. Travis went back over there today and made some purchases for our garden. We got Ozark Premier Plum, Pristine Apple, Williams Pride Apple, Encore Peach, Harrow Delight Pear, Redheart Plum, Early Loring Peach, Brown Turkey Fig, 2 Ozark Blue Blueberries, 2 Grapevines, 12 tomatoes, 6 peppers, 9 Chandler Strawberries, Aluminum Sufate, Glittering Greensand, and chicken manure. Looks like we are going to be busy planting trees.
Tomorrow is the day that I meet with a neighborhood group to tell them about raw foods and about Dr. Fielder. I'm looking forward to meeting these ladies.
Dinner tonight was salad (romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, mushroom, onion) with a dressing (olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and agave); sauerkraut, avocado, goody ball, and trail mix.
The Quintessence of Natural Living points out that the less privileged classes have a longing for culture that makes them ripe for exploitation. The "junk" offered to the public is actually degrading and dishonest even though it sells because it tempts people to buy it. It is exploitation.
Health insurance is an example of exploitation. It exploits our search for health. Natural Hygiene believes it is exploiting people's ignorance and gullibility. It sells them "cures" without removing the causes of ill health. I still pay for health insurance although I have not used it for over four years.
Natural Hygiene would like for people to be free from exploitation. But even natural publications are not willing to loose advertising dollars for "remedies" such as herbs, acupuncture, wheat grass, apple cider vinegar, honey, molasses, fermented foods, and so on.
To health and happiness.