Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Concert at the Octagon

I woke up at 2:30 and finally got up at 4:00 to start reading.

John is still down and out, so I moved the hoses at 7:00  I got on the computer briefly after that, but soon lost my internet connection.   I read in the book Farmers of Forty Centuries.  I helped John move the hoses at 9:00 and got instructions on which trees to water next.  He's giving all the young trees a good soaking before he leaves for the month of September.  Since John wasn't working, I studied, read, weeded a flower bed, and moved the hoses every two hours to keep myself busy today.

There is a team grading the road.  John asked me if I would go ask them what it would cost for them to grade his driveway.  I walked down the road...past the nudist colony...almost to Cedar Park Resort before I found them.  My powers of persuasion fell short, though.  The man driving the grader said they were not doing the personal drives because of liability issues.  They are only doing the jobs the council is paying them to do.  (He did tell me there is someone from Texas working at Cedar Park Resort.  Evidently, he refused to do their drive, also.)  It took me an hour to walk over there and back.

For lunch, I had pomelo, avocado, black sapote, and coconut.

I sent in my anwers to the questions for my lesson this afternoon before supper.  For supper I had my new favorite salad:  Dressing of lemon juice, olive oil and hone.  Veggies of finely chopped lettuces, arugula, and parsley and cucumber thinly sliced on the mandolin.  This is soooo good.  Also had some sauerkraut.

I went to a concert tonight with Sarina, Tina, and Tina's children, Sky and Leon.  It was an intimate house concert...probably about 30-40 people there.  They called it Sisters in Song at the Octagon.  The Octagon was the most amazing, beautiful private home.  It is in the rain forest...octagon shaped.  It had an Asian/Tropical feel.  The walls slide open onto a gorgeous deck.  The gardens were absolutely beautiful.  AND I LEFT MY CAMERA AT HOME!   The first performer was Loren Kate.  I bought her CD's.  Her voice and songs were beautiful.
The second performer was Astrid Elika.  She is John's neighbor here at Clohesy.  Astrid plays the harp...she's an original and very funny.  It was fun.  Sweet of Tina to include me.

To health and happiness.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Healing Crisis...Not Me

I woke up at 1:30 a.m....finally got up at 2:30 to read.  I read my Bible readings and some in the Pearl Buck biography.  After awhile I went back to sleep and got up again at 6:30.

I talked to Travis on Skype.  He's been working in the garden at home...has arugula coming up from seed, and he planted some kale.

Today I weeded the vegetable garden and planted the honey dew and one package of the Sugar Baby watermelons.  There were eight honey dew seeds in the package.  I planted two mounds of watermelons with three seeds in each mound.  The rest of them I planted in a furrow, two seeds together about a foot apart.  John thinks the furrow is the best way...the package says to plant in we'll see what comes up.  I used the cow manure and our regular compost to cover the seeds.

I'm responsible for the watering this afternoon.  John has gone into a healing crisis.  I asked him if he was feeling bad.  He said, "No, I'm feeling good.  Most people would say they are feeling bad, but I'm thankful my body is still working for me".  He didn't eat any lunch.  He swam in the river, started fasting, and went to bed to ride it out.

Watering the trees is a full-time job this time of year.  The hoses are put on a tree or two and left for two hours.  The hoses are moved to the next trees every two hours.  The water used for this watering is pumped from the Clohesy River.

Pumping water from the Clohesy River to the farm.

Lunch was papaya, sapadilla, orange, and coconut.  I didn't want my banana.  Since John is fasting, I ate at my cabin and read Pearl Buck.

I got some computer time and reading time before time to move the hoses.  I studied my natural hygiene and answered the questions for my lesson.  Maybe I'll get them typed up and sent in tomorrow.

I checked on John before supper.  He just wanted a two-liter bottle filled up with water from the rain tank.

I turned off the hoses on the trees at 5:00 but then moved one of the hoses over to the newly planted melons and watered them for an hour.

Supper was salad dressing with sliced cucumbers, lettuces, arugula, and good.  Also had sauerkraut and pecans.    Still reading about Pearl Buck.

To health and happiness.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Phoebe's Birthday

I Skyped the Philly family at 7:00 a.m. my time...5:00 p.m. their time.  It was Phoebe's birthday, so I got to see her presents and hear about her birthday cake.  She showed me the money she got in the card we sent.  She said, "Grandjan, I need more money".  I told her I would tell Pepaw.  She also told me she saw me in the sky.  She thinks I am on every plane that goes over.  What a hoot!   Fun call.  I'm so happy I got to talk to Harris, Amy, Caleb, and Connor, too.

I also got to talk to Travis on a separate Skype call for a few minutes before I had to go to work.  Today I planted four tomatoes, cut the vine off the fence around the pineapples and tomatoes, and did some domestics in the guest cabins.

Lunch was black sapote, papaya, avocado, sapadilla, banana, and coconut.

I washed my hair today, and it turned out okay without a hair dryer.  I used a leave in conditioner and some Bedhead Manipulator.  I guess I am not 100% pure and natural when it comes to my hair.

We went to Mareeba after lunch.  I bought two packages of Sugar Baby watermelons.  John got a package of Honey Dew melon.  John bought some cow manure to give them a boost.  I will plant these in the ground and not worry about sprouting them first.  I never did get those other seeds to sprout.

We went to the Anza Garden Center where John paid $70.00 for two little tropical apple trees...$35.00/each.
Anza Garden Center in Mareeba, Australia

Tropical Apple Trees

I worked on the computer in the afternoon...checked messages, looked at acreage on-line, and sent in my lesson on Stanley Lief.  Stanley Lief practiced straight Nature Cure.  He said disease is a state of toxemia often brought about by eating habits.  I know that's right.  Other causes can be overwork and stress, accumulation of waste, and strain or injury.

To avoid colds, keep the body free of toxins.  A cold will purify the system if you treat it properly...stop eating...get plenty of fresh air...and rest in bed.

Supper was salad dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, honey, and parsley.  Veggies were lettuce, cucumber, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut.   And pecans.

Tina had to cancel on playing flutes tonight, so I practiced by myself.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Skype Call

I got to talk to my Mom, Travis, Molly, Ashlyn, Zac, Braeden and Ken on Skype.  We had a nice long chat.  Ashlyn showed me all the farm animals she and her friend, Grace, have made.  Molly was making baked potatoes for all of them to eat.  Mom was enjoying being there with the family.  

I planted 23 tomato plants today...alternating them with the pineapples.

John had some extra black sapotes, so I took them over to Tina's and Jonathon's.  We always eat the black sapotes raw.  Tina and Jonathon eat some cooked foods, and Tina said if she had an oven she would make a cake from them.

Lunch was papaya, avocado, sapadilla, black sapote, and coconut.  Consultation today was over lunch, and we talked about emotional health and controlling people.  I'm still working on myself......

In the afternoon, I got on-line, checked messages, payed a bill or two, and sent in my lesson on the the Philosophy of Nature Cure.

Supper was cucumber sliced on the mandolin and some chopped up lettuce leaves put into the salad dressing.  I mashed up some avocado with a little of the salad dressing, chopped up some tomatoes and sprinkled with some salad dressing, and some sauerkraut.  It was good. careful when slicing on the mandolin.  I lost part of a knuckle.

Tina and I played flutes together after much fun.  We are going to play again tomorrow.

Philly family made it okay through the storm.

I read some in the Pearl Buck biography.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My First Jackfruit

I slept good.  I got up about 7:00, read, did some hand laundry, and checked messages on the computer.  It's so good to get little messages from folks at home.  I'm still going over my speech, too.  My flight arrives in Melbourne on Sunday at 11:45 a.m.  My speech is at 2:00 p.m. in Elwood, and I have to get there on a bus.  Do you think there is a chance I will be late?

I cleaned out my Lugable Loo and then just enjoyed the morning after that.  I love my $8.00 shoes.  I don't have to worry about messing them up.  When I get home, I'll have to get me a pair just like them.

Lunch was papaya, black sapote, banana, and coconut.  I didn't want my avocado.  I got to try my first jackfruit.  It looks like a dead sea creature, and it tastes like bubble gum.  It's stringy and chewy.  It either has to slide down or get chewed on and spit out.

The inside of the jackfruit.

The outside of the jackfruit.

The part you eat of the jackfruit.

I got my Anatomy Lesson on The Digestive Tract - Part 4 - typed up and sent in.  Then checked messages and had a restful afternoon.  I finished reading The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.  Love Benjamin Franklin.   Also sending love and prayers to my Philly family as they brace for a stormy week-end.

I started reading a biography of Pearl S. Buck by Theodor F. Harris.

We'll do anything to get well EXCEPT to stop doing what's killing us. - Roy Masters

To health and happiness.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hair Cut

I woke up at 10:20 p.m. and laid awake most of the night.  I guess I was worried about oversleeping.  Of course, I dozed off about time to get up.

We took Penny by the airport to drop her luggage off in a locker, then she went to town with us.  We went to Rusty's Market where I visited with Carol a few minutes.  John bought papaya, tomatoes and avocadoes.  We didn't need much this week.

I got on-line at the radio station and chatted with DIL, Amy, and grandson, Caleb.

John dropped Penny and me off at Cairns Central Mall while he went to talk to man about buying some compost.  I mailed two letters at the Post Office and then found a girl named Louisa at Hairhouse Warehouse to cut my hair.  She did a good job, and I bought some Bedhead Manipulator and a leave-in condition to hopefully help me style this hair without a blow dryer.

John picked us up at 10:00 and we went to Rusty's for sugar cane drinks.  This is where we said good-bye to Penny.  John and I then went to the health food store for pecans.  Then we went to Target to get me some canvas tennis shoes to work it.  They were $8.00.  I also got some socks and two pair of black tights to wear when I go down south where it will be cold.  Last stop was Captain Cook's Laundry to drop off our dirty laundry and pick up our clean.

Lunch today was papaya, black sapote, yellow sapote, banana, avocado, and coconut.

I got to see Tina for a few minutes today, and we talked about playing flutes again one of these days.  She was getting a jug of water from the rain tank and hauling it to her house in her new black wheelbarrow with red wheels.

Consultation at 2:00.  Today is the last time I will be checked as relating to the fast.  I'm feeling good.

I washed my New Balance shoes and brushed them good.  I won't have to work in them anymore.  I plan on wearing them when I tour Australia.

Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado, cucumber, salad dressing (olive oil, lemon juice, honey, parsley), and sauerkraut.

I went to bed early, since I didn't sleep much last night.

To health and happiness.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back to Work

I slept good until 2:00 a.m. then was awake for an hour or two.  Went back to sleep until 7:00.  Read until 8:30.

I worked today.  Even though I was a little slow, I planted 13 tomato plants in the pineapple bed and four lettuce plants.

I ate the same thing for lunch today that the others ate.  I grated some of the coconut, too.  Lunch was papaya, black sapote, yellow sapote, sweet banana, avocado, and coconut.  This was the first time I had yellow sapote.  It tastes like baked sweet potato with sugar.  I liked it.

I sunbathed about 25 minutes after lunch then visited with Penny and rested.  Penny has educated me on the beauty and practicability of merino wool.  It comes in different weights and can be layered.  It's cool or warm depending on the weight.  She washes it in the washing machine and drys it flat when she is home, but here she has been hand laundering and hanging on the clothes line.

Some cute young lady from Europe came by to consult with John at 1:00.  She had long braids to her waist.

Consultations were a little after 2:00.  Penny was pleased with the results she got while she was here.  She never had to take insulin after her second day here.  Her goiter almost disappeared, too.

I checked emails, Facebook, and typed my lesson.  Then I wrote a couple of letters.

Supper was lettuce, tomato, avocado and cucumber with salad dressing of lemon juice, olive oil, honey and parsley.  Also, had some yummy sauerkraut.  I like this new brand that John has purchased.

Early to bed.  We leave for Cairns at 3:40 in the morning.

To health and happiness.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Salad Dressing

I woke up at 1:00 a.m. and stayed awake several hours before going back to sleep.  Lots of thinking and praying time with no distractions.  I woke up again at 6:45.

I talked to Travis on Skype today.  It was a good visit.  He's getting ready for football season and grand kids school events.

My body is still in healing mode, so I took it easy today.  I checked out Ben building some stakes for our tomatoes from bamboo poles he cut down by the river.

I weeded a flower bed, cleaned the shower and toilets, and rested.  I grated some of the coconut for lunch.

Lunch was banana, coconut, 1/3 of a lemonade fruit, and some watermelon.  I LOVE lemonade fruit.  It's a lemony citrus, but it's not sour.  It tastes like lemonade.  It's also known as a Meyer lemon.

I was glad to hear from my Philly family that all is well with them after the earthquake.  Caleb messaged me that it was quite an experience.  It must have been scary for them.

I got a letter from my Mom and a note and picture from Travis.  Travis sent me a picture of him fishing on Lake DeSota so I won't forget what he looks like.

Consultations at 2:00.  Then I got on-line for a bit.  But I spent most of my time resting and reading.  I finished the biography on the Brownings and started on the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

Supper..HAPPY DAY..I got to make a salad dressing from olive oil, lemon juice, honey and parsley.  I ate it on a salad made of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and avocado.  I did not want any pecans or dates tonight.

I looked through all the magazines for pictures of short haircuts for inspiration.  All the magazines here are 3-5 years old, though.

To health and happiness.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Raw Runner

I slept sound last night and woke up feeling good at 5:30.  I read this morning and did some work on-line.  I worked some today, too.  I cleaned the porch at the dining room, watered my baby plants and cleaned the kitchen.

Lunch was watermelon and coconut.  John told me about some of his experiences in India and South Africa.  In South Africa there were shanty towns made up of shelters made out of anything from cardboard to scrap metal.  In one of these shanties he saw a group of children all squatted down in their school uniforms with eager faces ready to learn.  It was their school.  Somehow the families had provided them uniforms because they saw it as important.  The children were happy and they were not BORED.

I got a sunbath after lunch.  The sun felt so toasty and warm.

Consultation was at 2:00.  My only complaint is a pain in the middle of my back.

I worked on the computer during the afternoon...checked messages, typed my lesson, and listened to a guy from  Here is a link to a video of Tim Vanorden being interviewed by Dan McDonald.  I especially liked the part about the heart.

I talked to my sister, Sheila, on Facebook chat.  It's good to hear from people at home.  Then I rested until supper.

Supper was 1/2 tomato, 1/3 avocado, a little cucumber, sauerkraut, and a few pecans.

I practiced my flute tonight.  This is the first time I have felt like playing for a couple of weeks.  I studied my nature cure lesson on Stanley Leif.

Maybe I should cut my hair really short.  I have given up on being able to fix it.

To health and happiness.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Feeling Better

I woke up at 5:00 and went over my speech.  I have no idea how long it will go, because I can't stay focused on it long enough to get through it.  With my unfocused mind, it takes 1-1/2 hours.  Probably when I give it, it will take five minutes.

I'm feeling better this morning - no nausea!  Take away the dross, and you'll have a finer vessel!

I'm enjoying reading the Bible through again.  Instead of focusing on the primary meaning, I am looking at them as an individual.   And' it is delightful when totally random readings tie together and something beautiful comes to mind.
Proverbs 25:28  He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and WITHOUT WALLS.
Zechariah 2:5  For I the Lord, will be unto her A WALL OF FIRE around about and will be the glory in the midst of her.

I got on line and checked emails and Facebook, but I couldn't get Skype to work.

I sat in the sun for awhile, but it's still a little chilly today.  Penny and I visited awhile on our patio.  Penny has not had to take any insulin since her second day here.  She goes home on Friday.  I did some laundry and took a shower.  I am in my skinny jeans shorts.  Now to stay there while I am traveling!

I started reading a biography of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning by Frances Winwar.  There were a couple of interesting paragraphs in this book regarding doctors.

It described Dr. Sylvester Graham, one of the pioneers of the modern natural health movement and the inventor of the graham cracker, as a quack, an advocate of mud baths, and high priest of the temple of health.

On the next page it talks about the doctors that were summoned to help Elizabeth with her lung condition.  "The doctors wrote out their prescriptions which made Mr. Barrett snort when he saw HOW LITTLE THEY HELPED HIS DAUGHTER."   Eventually someone thought a change of air would help Elizabeth.

"The regimen of FRESH AIR, SUNSHINE, AND NOURISHING FOOD was supplemented by medical authority with OPIUM".  "Obediently she took the prescribed doses although no one had anything illuminating to say about her illness OR ITS CAUSES."

There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Lunch today was watermelon and coconut.  I even helped grind the coconut.  It was very good.

I got a sweet card from my friend Theresa.  She's a treasure.  Also, sweet message from DIL Amy.   Consultations at 2:00.  John took Penny's picture to go on his blog.  I feel like I need to get back to work, so tomorrow I will start doing domestics and resting whenever I get tired.

I ate supper in the kitchen with the others tonight.  I had two mandarin oranges, a date, and a few pecans.  We had interesting discussion about food tonight.

I leave for Melbourne on September 4th.  It was good news to me when I figured out this afternoon that I am NOT leaving next Sunday.  I need the extra recuperating time.

To health and happiness...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Slow Day

I was up at 2:00 a.m. very nauseous, but was able to go back to sleep and rest some more.  I finally got up at 7:00...that is I sat up in bed and read.  It was too cold to get out from under the covers.  It was 55 degrees in my room.  I read my Bible chapters and found sweet comfort there.

I then ventured over to the office and checked Facebook and emails.  There was a sweet email from a dear friend that was full of encouragement.  I heard from my grandson, Braeden, who is the fastest seventh grader in his school!  I did some trip planning...trying to figure out how to get from the airports to the places I am staying.

Even though it was chilly, Penny and I sat outside on our patio and visited.

Lunch was two oranges.  They were delicious and did not make me feel sick.  After lunch, I took a nap for about an hour.  Consultation with the doctor was at 2:00.

Supper was watermelon.  This melon is better than the last.  I ate more than John thought I should.  We'll see how I handle it.  I had more computer time after supper, then finished the biography about Rembrandt.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Ashlyn's Birthday

I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and heard John leave for Cairns about 4:00.  It was a colder than normal morning which made it hard to get up.

At 7:00 I got on-line and checked emails and Facebook.  Today is my grand-daughter, Ashlyn's birthday.  It's also the Rich Mountain Association today.  I wish I could be at both of these places.

The sun came out, and it warmed up nicely so Penny and I visited on the covered patio.

I signed up for a global roaming plan for my iphone for while I am traveling.  Also, trying to get my travel dates extended with Bank of America, but the numbers they gave me to call while I am out of the country aren't working.  Hopefully, they will let dear hubby, Travis, take care of it for me.

Skype is wonderful!  I got to go to Ashlyn's birthday party after all.  She had a houseful of girlfriends, and they were partying big time.  Ken even gave me a piece of birthday cake.  I got to see Zac, Braeden, and Molly, too.  It was ALMOST like being there.

Lunch was tomatoes.  John brought them from the market this morning claiming that they are supposed to be the very best.  The are called Bullock's Heart tomatoes  There were excellent!  Although he served me two large one, I could only eat one.  I sat outside in the sunshine to eat it and enjoyed every bite.

Today I did laundry, cleaned out my Lugable Loo, worked on the computer and read.  I started a biography of Rembrandt.

"Strange, very strange!  Rembrandt died right here in this town, and I did not even know he was still alive!" - Quote in book attributed to Joost van den Vondl, the poet.

I stayed at the computer too long and got too tired.  I'm nauseous again.  I had a tomato for supper but wasn't able to eat it.

Friday, August 19, 2011


It was a terrible night.  The nausea was bad, and I only slept about four hours.  The smell of everything made me sick.  The taste of water made me sick, yet I was extremely thirsty.  There is a sickening taste in my mouth.  This comes from stopping the fast early.  My body is still trying to fast, and we are switching horses in mid-stream so to speak.

I finished my speech.  Now I just need to practice it a little bit.  I'm also still working on reading through the Bible.

During the day I felt a little better.  I continued doing hand laundry and re-arranging my suitcase.  A good sign I am feeling better...I tweezed my eyebrows!  John was nice enough to bring me some bottled spring water.  I hate to be supporting privatized water in plastic bottles, but the rain water was making the nausea worse.

Lunch was watermelon...and not a very good watermelon, either.  Arkansas melons are the best.  This one was actually horrible.  You'd think a faster wouldn't be so picky.

Consultation was at 2:00.  I had a paper written out to read to John on what all I was experiencing and what I thought I needed.  haha  He gave me his sweet smile and listened politely.  I don't think I phased him at all, though.  Basically what I am craving is salt, oil, and starch.  He said, "We'll see what we can do."  We also talked about emotional health and being able to freely express emotion.  It was a good session.

Supper was more watermelon....still not good.

The nights are long when you are not feeling well.  Once it gets dark, I can't hold my eyes open..then I wake up in the middle of the night while it is still dark.  I went to sleep at 8:00.

No problem with asthma today and the nausea was much better by the end of the day.  My energy levels are starting to rise.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Yesterday I had a cup of orange juice for lunch and another cup of orange juice for supper.  I have had a low energy day.  The doctor says many times the energy is lower for a few days after the fast than it was during the fast because now energy is going to digestion.

Penny spent the day in Kuranda.  Tina is working at a German restaurant in Kuranda, so Penny caught a ride in with their family.  She explored the galleries there and visited the falls.  She took her fruit and nut lunch with her and ate it at the park.  They came back after Tina got off work and the kids got out of school.

I rested a lot, did hand laundry, and worked on packing for my trip.  John gave me a stack of books to take to Melbourne so now I have to figure out how to fit them in my little suitcase.

We have a bat that is terrorizing our toilet at night.  He poops all over the bathroom and pees on our toilet paper.  We want him to go somewhere else.  Penny saw him last night when she went out about 8:00.  She happened to look up and there he was...fat and disgusting.

I watered my little pants today, took a shower, and had my consultation at 2:00.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Breaking the Fast

I was all prepared to go another day on the fast when John showed up at lunch with a cup of orange juice.  I relished it.  Took about a quarter of it with a little spoon, then took a shower and did some hand laundry before going back to my room to slowly enjoy the rest of it.  It was delicious.

I caught up on my letter writing today and have four letters ready to mail in Cairns on Friday.  I won't be able to make the trip, but John will mail them for me.

I had a good consultation with John today.  We talked about the healing...which will continue, but at a slower rate outside of the fast.  The body deals with physical and psychological issues as it heals.  It's all fascinating to me.

I almost have all the cobblers pins out of my jacket.  Hopefully, it will be ready to go with me when I start traveling.  It's fairly warm in the north of Australia, but it is cold in south Australia.  I'm going to need lots of layers.

I'm still having asthma, and I am tired.  So that's it for now.

Stay healthy and happy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day Eight

I am on the eighth day of the fast.   Today I am feeling very lazy.  I have spent most of the day in bed, although I did manage to do some hand laundry, take a shower, wash my tennis shoes, plant two watermelon seeds in a little six pack, and start figuring out what to pack on my trip.

I still feel asthma, tongue is still coated, and there is a funky smell from my right armpit which is from the liver detoxing.  I'm ready to get some orange juice....but I don't want to cut the fast short and not get all the good I can out of this experience.   It would be better to get all the morbid matter cleaned out that is possible before moving on.

I have started working on my speech to give in Melbourne.  I am going to call it My Journey to Raw.

I'm good.   Hope you are, too.

Stay healthy.  Be happy.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day Seven

Last week while fasting I received three letters from home.  They were so welcome.  I got one from my lovely friend Theresa Byers, one from my sweet and spicy mom, and one from my much loved grandson Caleb. I'm getting behind on my letter writing.

I don't know when we will break the fast....maybe not too much longer.  I'm still having asthma so I doubt we will break it today.  My body decided to rest.  I slept yesterday afternoon, most of the night, and fairly late this morning.  I feel pretty good, though.

Just two weeks until I begin my 26 day solo trek across Australia.  I can hardly believe that it is time.  I have no idea what to pack because...since we are on the bottom half of the world....the further south you go the colder it gets.  September here is the equivalent of our March.  I think it might be pretty cold down there.

I am scheduled to give a speech in Melbourne to the Melbourne Vegetarian Society.  How did I get into this?  My host in Melbourne is the president of that society....that's how.  I need to work on a speech.  I will talk about raw foods and my experience.

That's it for now.  Time to rest.

Stay healthy.  Stay happy.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Penny's Crackers

I am still fasting.  My body is still healing.  My main symptom right now is asthma.  I am glad my body has decided to address this problem.  Asthma is related to the digestive tract.  The first time I had asthma was after a big feed at the company I worked for where they fed us barbecue sandwiches and all the fixings to go with it.   On the way home, I thought I was going to die.  I pulled into the emergency room of the hospital to try to get relief.  After about two hours, I realized they didn't know what I needed, so I got up and went home and have not been back to the doctor since.

I can feel the pulse in my abdomen beating so strongly.  John says that is the solar plexus.

Here is the recipe for Penny's Crackers.  I plan to make these and keep them on hand all the time once I get home.  I can see myself taking them to restaurants to eat with my salads.

Penny's Crackekrs

1-2 cups linseed.  Grind in blender and pour in bowl.
1 cup sunflower seeds soaked for one hour.  Grind in blender and pour in bowl.

Grind in blender any vegetables you have with enough water so there are no big chunks left...but not too much water.
Some veggies you can use are zucchini, celery, broccoli, chard, carrot, tomato, etc.
Make about two bleneders full of veggie mix.

Lots of fresh herbs...any you have...such as rosemary, thyme, basil, oregano, parsley, marjoram, tarragon.  Mix them all together if you like.

A little sea salt.

Spices:  Whatever you lie.  Use chili powder if you want it a little hot, cinnamon, fennel, turmeric

Any ground nuts.  You can use the pulp left from making almond milk.

Spread on Teflex sheets about 1/8" thick.  The thinner they are the crispier....but not so thin they get holes in them.  Score into cracker shapes.

Dehydrate 40 hours at 105 degrees or until totally dry.   Check on second day to see if they are dry enough to turn to the other side.  If the bottom is already crispy there is no need to turn.

Here is a link to Penny's blog about her sailing the ocean with her Dad when she was 19.  It took them 19 months to make the trip in a 26 ft sailing yacht.

Still feeling weak.  Signing off for now.

Stay healthy.  Be happy.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Healing Crisis

This is day five of a fast.  I planted tomatoes on Tuesday, but by the time I was finished I could barely walk.  While we were preparing lunch, I told John, I was nauseous.  He said, "Then it's time for you to stop eating".  So very gladly I went to my room and crawled under my covers.  I was running a temperature of over 100 degrees, headache, diarrhea,  lower back pain...I could go on and on.  In Nature Cure this is called a healing crisis.

A healing crisis occurs when your body has built up enough vitality to make a giant purge of toxins.  It feels awful, but the results on the other side will be so worth it.  I have never fasted five days before.  I fasted for three days with John's long distance supervision from my home, but it was more difficult by far than this has been.  One reason is because my body was ready for this and another is because my dear husband is not smelling up the house with popcorn, lemon pepper chicken, summer sausage, etc.  Disgusting stuff....(not the popcorn).  But even popcorn is not nice to bring around a fasting person.

I feel better today, but I doubt I will break my fast today.  I still feel a tiny bit of nausea.  I have been up for two hours, but I am ready to go snuggle back under my covers for a while.

I recommend an author for you book lovers.....Bryce Courtenay.  He is an Australian writer.  I read book three in a trilogy called Solomon's Song.  It is part of the Potato Factory series.  The first book is The Potato Factory, followed by Tommo & Hawk, then Solomon's Song.   I think John has some of his other books which I plan to borrow.

All's well here.   Stay healthy and happy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sad News from Afghanistan

I woke up at 4:30 and read my Bible.  I have 56 books left to go in order to read the whole Bible before I leave here.  Right now I am reading from Genesis, Nehemiah, Proverbs, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Acts, and Hebrews.

Hebrews 7:7  For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:

Today we planted four new trees and fed two more trees.  I made two trips for wheelbarrow loads of blue stone.  Blue stone is heavy!  I also got a load of mulch.  We got these all finished by lunch.

Lunch was papaya, avocado, sapadilla, pineapple, banana, and coconut.  I didn't want my banana.

I got a sunbath today.  The sun was quite hot.  I stayed out almost an hour.  Maybe that was too long as I started feeling nauseous.

Consultations at 2:00.  Penny did good with her sugar levels today.  This morning it was 5.3, before lunch it was 5.6, after lunch it was 8.8.  She didn't take any insulin today.

We talked about some of the raw food resorts, restaurants, etc.  They try to make the raw food resemble the traditional diet, and they sweeten everything.  The doctor told us we need to get back to simplicity.

Supper was lettuce leaves, two tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, sauerkraut, one date, and a few pecans.

I'm still having withdrawal symptoms from food.  I'm a food addict.  "Hello, My name is Janis, and I'm a food addict."

I practiced flute even though I didn't feel like it.  My Natural Hygiene Lesson was on the Suppressive Surgical Treatment of Tonsillitis and Enlarged Adenoids.

I was sad about the 30 Navy Seals losing their lives in Afghanistan.  I brought it up at dinner just because I felt the need to talk to someone about it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I got up at 6:00, exercised and dressed for work.  I was able to Skype with the Philly family today.  It was good to at least see everyone for a minute and hear their voices.  They were fixing hamburgers and getting ready for company tonight.

We worked in the rain today.  I built up my watermelon bed with crushed rock, fertilizer, compost, and mulch.  Then I helped John mulch some trees.  John inspected my watermelon bed.  He mowed over the grass I pulled out of the row.  I bagged up the plastic that got pulled out of the row, and I got stung by a few ants in the process.  Now if the watermelon seeds will sprout, I will be able to plant them.  Then we staked three bean plants.  By the time we got through today, my feet were squishing water in my shoes.

It was a rainy day.

The watermelon row.
Lunch was 1/3 papaya, 1/3 star apple, 1/3 mango, 1/3 avocado, banana, and coconut.  Penny ate green leaves with her fruit to help control her sugar.  She is a Type 1 diabetic.

After lunch, Penny and I walked around the property, and I showed her the fruit trees.  I felt tired and slept until consultations at 2:00.

Penny and John
Penny had to take an insulin injection after lunch because her sugar went up.  If her insulin goes to 10 or above she will take insulin.  She went 100% raw in 2009 and was able to go without insulin.  She was also testing everything she ate against a blood sugar muscle test.  But the blood sugar started going up agin after some other treatments and she had to start on the insulin again.

I did my computer work in the afternoon.  I checked emails, Facebook, listened to a Dan McDonald video, and sent in my History of Nature Cure lesson.  I chatted with my brother, Max, too.

Supper was lettuce leaves, tomato, cucumber, avocado, sauerkraut, and pecans.  I didn't want my dates.

Today I felt like I was having menstrual cramps.  Of course, I'm not.  I asked the doctor why.  It's because healing is taking place in that area.  It makes me want to stay in bed, though.

I practiced flute, studied anatomy, and read.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Penny's Arrival

I slept until 7:00, did my exercises, and dressed for a chilly, rainy day.  I made several attempts to get on-line but didn't have any luck during the morning.  I swept the cabin for the new arrival, cleaned my room, cleaned my Lugable Loo, and cleaned the bathrooms.  I also read in the novel I'm reading.  It's a perfect book for curling up on a rainy day.

"There is something about being in a very expensive hotel that is the opposite of character forming.  There is a strong sense born at the reception desk that the servility and cosseting on offer are an absolute right to be maintained at all times, and from which the most momentary lapse is an outrage." - From the novel Sheer Abandon

I had lunch alone so I had 1/2 of a coconut.  I didn't shred it.  I just whacked it out of the shell and ate it in chunks.  I also had a black sapote, 1/3 of a papaya left from yesterday, a mango and a banana.

After lunch I was able to get on-line long enough to check my messages and download a call from my Extrawdinary Life Coach, Karen Knowler.  I managed to listen to the call.

John arrived about 2:00 with the new client, Penny.  We had consultations about 3:00.  Penny's goal is to cleanse from aluminum toxicity and to get off of insulin.  Her case will be different because of the diabetes.  She will be monitoring her sugar and taking insulin as needed.

I read my book until 4:30.  Penny and I picked our green leaves from the garden and went to dinner.  Dinner was green leaves, tomato, avocado, cucumber, sauerkraut, pecans, and one date.

When Penny was nineteen years old, she and her Dad sailed from England to Australia on a 26-foot yacht.  She was twenty-one when they arrived.  It took them nineteen months.  They had some adventures along the way.  Her Dad knew about sailing in theory only when they started out.  It was fascinating hearing about their first big challenge as they tried to go into port in Spain during a storm.  Her Dad is 95 years old not and would love to sail again if he were able.

I practiced flute, studied pediatrics lesson, and read my novel.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Pink Shopping Bag

I woke up at 12:45 thinking I should not go to Cairns today.  It was raining, and I was sleepy, but when I got up at 3:20 I felt like going.  We dropped Karen off at the airport at 4:45 with a few tears. She thanked John for his wisdom and told me to stop worrying about the scales.  I hope to see her again soon when she comes to the States.

We went to Rusty's Market and bought papaya, sapadilla,  avocados, tomatoes, star apples, cucumbers, coconuts, bananas, pineapples and mandarins.

John did his program at the radio station, and I surfed the internet.  I checked emails, Facebook, looked at acreage in Saline County, Arkansas, and checked out places to stay in Cairns.  I have about decided on the Mercure.  After 25 days traveling solo across Australia, I might enjoy a little more luxury than a hostel for the last three nights.  A private room with a private bath, a television, electrical outlets, and wi-fi sounds wonderful.

We went back to Rusty's for sugar cane drinks.  One of these days, I want to drink TWO of them. I met this couple ahead of us in the sugar cane drink line when I asked them where they got the pink shopping bag with the names of the major Australian destinations.  She said I could probably find one at a souvenir shop.  They asked where I am from.  I said, "Arkansas in the U.S.....Where Bill Clinton is from....Next to Texas."  They were visiting Cairns from their home near Melbourne.  I asked what I should see when I go to Melbourne next month.  They recommended the Queen Victoria Market and an all day tram pass to see the city.  They got their drinks and walked away.  As the vendor began to squeeze the sugar cane for our drinks, the lady was back with the pink shopping bag emptied...and she gave it to me!  People amaze me with how kind they can be.  I LOVE the bag, and I love it even more because of the way I received it.

We went to Captain Cook's Laundry to pick up and drop off our laundry, the health food store for sauerkraut, and a craft store called Spotlight to get some dye.  We are going to try our hand at dying the curtains in the cabins.

Lunch was papaya, star apple, banana, sapadilla, avocado, and coconut.

I did some hand laundry, rinsed my watermelon seeds, and read until supper.

It's the 50's.  Supper tonight was lettuce, cucumber, sliced tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, and sauerkraut.  I didn't want any pecans or dates tonight.  

I practice flute, studied pediatrics and got under as many blankets as possible to read.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Preparing the Watermelon Bed

I woke up at 5:20 to a pouring rain.  I read, exercised and dressed for work.  I did get on line for a few minutes before the 240 volt power played out, but not long enough to Skype.  I am wanting to talk to my Philly family.  Maybe tomorrow.

Today I worked on getting my watermelon bed ready.  John gave me instructions and then left me with it.  First, I mowed the grass on both sides of my row.  Then I used a mattock to uproot the grass out of my row.  I weeded all the grass out and then leveled my row with the mattock and a rake.  I am soaking my watermelon seeds today getting them ready to sprout.
This is where my watermelons will run.

I got it mowed so they can run in either direction.

I used the mattock to uproot the grass from my watermelon row.

Grass all cleared I will add ground rock, fertilizer and compost.

Lunch was black sapote, sapadilla, avocado, papaya, and coconut.  Karen ate lunch with us today.  No bananas today because the mouse ate them.  He's still running free.

It's been cold all day today...unlike home in Arkansas where it is 117 degrees.  But here there was no sun, no sunbath.  It was raining off and on all day.  I washed my hair and rolled it on hair rollers, but after five hours it is nowhere near dry.

After consultations (I went with rollers in my hair), I got on the computer, checked emails, Facebook and sent in my Philosophy of Nature Cure lesson on vaccination.  I checked on some hotels/hostels in Cairns.

It was a stay inside and read a good book kind of afternoon.  I almost forgot to go to dinner.  Karen knocked on my window to remind me.  The windows in the cabins are long windows that swing open.  We use them for doors - just step right through.

Supper was lettuces from the garden, tomato, 1/3 of an avocado, a slice of cucumber, sauerkraut, pecans, and one date.

It's a cold rainy night.  I practiced flute then snuggled in to read, study, and enjoy the rock and roll playing across the way.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

There is a Mouse in the Kitchen

I talked to Travis, Mom, Molly and Ashlyn on Skype this morning.  We had a bad connection, but it was good enough to talk a little bit.  Travis, Molly, and Ashlyn were at Mom's nursing home.  Mom was dressed up and ready to go somewhere, so they were taking her out.

Today I planted some radishes, Chinese cabbage, and paak tsoi in the veggie garden.  I put some fertlizer in little trenches beside the smaller tomato plants that need a boost.

I helped John put compost and mulch around the new trees he planted today.  Then I cleaned the kitchen.

John and I went to Mareeba to pick up his generator.  I don't think it is fixed, though, because I heard him trying to start it after we got back.

I bought two pair of shorts at The Salvation Army Store.  I got watermelon seeds at the hardware store, Sugar Baby and Country Sweet.

We had consultations at 2:00.  I got my anatomy lesson put into document form and sent to John.

I'm looking for a place to stay in Cairns in September.  Possibilities are Esplanade Backpackers Hostel, Aspect Central, or Bohemia Resort.

I am making slow progress on getting the cobbler's pins out of my Earth-Tec jacket.

Supper was good tonight.  I didn't make a salad.  I had all the regular veggies separate, and I liked it that way.  I had lettuce leaves with a little lime juice, sliced tomato, 1/2 avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and dates.

We have a mouse in the kitchen.  John plans to catch him tonight in a bucket of water.  I'm curious to see how that works out.  I asked John if he had seen the movie Ratatouille about a mouse that can cook.  (He hadn't....but he should.)  Then we talked about nuclear attack movies.  John told me about the movie Soylent Green.  I became aware of that movie when my son, Crockett Harris posted on Facebook one time, "They're eating people", and I had no idea what he was talking about.   My favorite nuclear movie is "The Postman" with Kevin Costner.   I told him about the movie "Blast from the Past" about the family in the 1950's that goes into a bomb shelter because they believe they have been attacked.  They stay there for 35 years before venturing out.

Australian kids are like American kids in that they need friends and neighbors to sponsor their school fundraisers.  I sponsored Sky for $5.00.  I practiced flute and read.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Internship is 25% Completed

This morning I planted seeds in the veggie garden:  lambs lettuce, radishes, Chinese cabbage, and paak tsoi.  Then I helped John plant more trees.

While getting mulch today, I got in with some Mexican fire ants.  I don't know how Mexican fire ants got to Clohesy (Kunandra), Australia.

Holes dug for new trees.

Here I am pushing a load of compost.

New trees planted.

The veggie garden is growing.
 Today at lunch I ate my fuit in reverse order....least favorite to favorite.  I ate black sapote, sapadilla, papaya with coconut, banana with coconut, and mango with coconut.

Karen broke her fast today.  She had a cup of fresh squeezed orange juice in her room.  She was instructed to sip it very slowly with a spoon.  To drink it quickly can cause you to go unconscious.  It's important to break the fast properly.  She took the advice seriously and took 1-1/2 hours to drink her cup of juice.

John and I went to Mareeba to take his generator in for servicing.  It needs something done to the valves.  I wasn't really paying attention.  We will have to go back tomorrow to pick it up.  John went to another hardware store and bought a water hose and some fittings.  His next project is to fix up a system to water his new avocado orchard.

I looked at the seeds while he was shopping and noticed three kinds of watermelon seeds.  Since John doesn't buy watermelon, I asked him if he has a place where I can plant some watermelons.  He thought a bit and then said he knew a good place.  Tomorrow I plan to buy watermelon seeds.

I went to Lifeline (second-hand store) and found two pair of shorts and two sleeveless shirts for $14.00 total.  I am trying to avoid a farmer's tan.

Consultations were late...3:30.  I got on line for the first time in a few days.

Supper was lettuces, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and dates.  Karen had fresh squeezed orange juice.  I got on the computer again after supper until dark, about 6:30.  Then I read.

Planting Trees

On Monday we planted six trees.  First a circular spot is cleared with the lawn mower.  A square hole is made with a mattock, then the dirt is emptied out of the hole with a shovel.  All the dirt from the hole is spread on the downhill side for two reasons - 1) to make the ground more level and 2) to put the poor quality soil on the side that will drain away from the tree.  The hole is filled with ground rock, fertilizer and compost...enough to bring the level of the new tree up high enough so it will not be lower in the ground than it was in the pot.  These layers are mixed and tamped down with the shovel really good so there will not be any air pockets.  These layers continue to be added until the soil is built up in the hole as high as we want it.  The tree is then put in the hole, and the rest of the hole is filled in around the tree roots with compost.  Step around the planted tree to compact the earth...but do not step on the root ball.  It's important not to damage the roots of the plant.  Last the perimeter of the tree is fed with blue stone, fertilizer, compost, and mulch.  Then the sprinkler is turned on to water them in.

Ready to plant trees.

Ground cleared of grass with lawn mower.

This is where a tree will go.

Using the mattock to make a square hole.

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Mix and tamp down the blue stone, fertilizer and compost with the shovel.

Hole is filled with blue stone, fertlizer, and compost.  Ready for the tree to go in.
I planted grass seed by broadcasting it on some barren spots.

Lunch was papaya, mango, avocado, banana, and coconut.

Karen and I sunbathed.  Today is Karen's tenth day to fast.  She will break the fast tomorrow to get prepared to go home on Friday.  She has seen much improvement while here, and she has a plan to follow when she gets back home.    No computer today, so I practiced flute and visited with Karen.

Supper was lettuces, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates.  Read and finished my Lesson.

I now weigh 54 kilos on the scales.  I'm sure they are not accurate.  That would make me 119 lbs, and I am not that small.  There is still plenty of fat on this body.  I was 136.8 lbs the day I left home.  I think I have lost 8 or 9 lbs, so I'm betting I weigh about 128 lbs.

In the book The Farmers of Forty Centuries the writer tells about going from the U.S. to Japan.  At that time, the U. S. had 20 acres per capita where Japan had 1-1/2 acres per capita.  The U.S. had exhausted strong, fertile fields in three generations where Japan's fields were still fertile after thirty centuries of cropping.   I'm trying to learn about there intensive production and the way they feed their soil.

No Computer

I was without computer for almost three days.  I have been blaming it on the 240 volt batteries, but John says it's not the batteries.  He says it is the broadband satellite connection.  I hope it is fixed now.  I suspect I was not plugged in good.

On Sunday I planted seeds in our vegetable garden:  Shanghai Paak Tsoi, Cherry Belle Radish, Chinese Cabbage Pak Choi Kwang Moon, and Tatsoi.  I planted plants of Green Pak Choi, Salad Rocket (Arugula), and Cos Lettuce.  I'm pretty sure I got distracted visiting with Karen and planted four arugula plants in the row I had already planted radishes in.

After that, I helped John plant a new mango tree.  This little baby got lots of food - blue stone, fertilizer, compost...layer after layer to fill the hole.  Then we fed around the perimeter of the tree, blue stone, fertilizer, compost, and mulch.

Lunch was papaya, black sapote, sapadilla, banana, avocado, and coconut.

Karen and I sunbathed.  We had consultations at 2:00.  Karen is on Day Nine of her fast.  Lying directly on the ground to sunbathe (or on a tarp) enables you to absorb radiations from the earth as well as radiations from the sun.  It is healing to do so.

Supper was lettuces and parsley from the garden, chopped tomatoes, 1/2 avocado, sauerkraut, pecans and two dates.  I made a dressing by mashing my avocado with a fork and adding some of the tomatoes and tomato juice, and some of the juice from the jar of kraut.

I am reading a book called Farmers of Forty Centuries or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea, and Japan by F. H. King.  It is a 1949 edition.

I am looking for a list of all the crops that will grow in Garland County, Arkansas.  Where would be the best place to find that list?

At dinner John asked how it will affect me if the U.S. economy were to collapse.  I don't know the answer to that question, but I began to tell him about the desperate poverty that many families experienced in Arkansas as recently as 50-80 years ago.  One thing lead to another and I ended up talking his ear off about early American history, the Civil War, and Baptist history.