Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Imperfectly Raw- Day 57 - Tuesday - 11/30/21

 Imperfectly Raw- Day 57 - Tuesday - 11/30/21

Good morning!

Breakfast: Coffee and Lemon Ginger Blast

Lunch: Green Smoothie with Vanilla Bean Happy Viking protein powder

Dinner:  Nori rolls with leftover carrot mix, peppers, and cucumbers

Snacks:  Goodie balls, Brazil nuts, Lara Bar, Kombucha

What do I hope to gain by upping my game with raw foods?   I want to be able to participate in adventures and stay active.  I want to do fun things with my people.  I want to travel. I want to learn and grow and experience the world more fully.  I want to be educated and remember things. I want to look good. 

I want to feel good and be free of excess baggage both physically and emotionally.  I want to take only what I need and use what I take.  I want to give back. I want to be an influence for good.  The practice is my activism.



#whatrawveganseat #rawvegan #tryingtostayhealthy #booksandcoffee #norabbitholeshere #imperfectlyraw #rawfoods #keepingitreal #somerawsomecooked #rawisbetter #stilllearning

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