Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 Imperfectly Raw , Saturday, July 1, 2023

I have started on the Goodbye Lupus protocol promoted by Dr. Brooke Goldner.  She has had enormous success helping people heal from autoimmune diseases.  I have not been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, but I have issues with eyesight, brain fog, and feeling less than optimum that I would like to address.  I have decided to go with this protocol until Thanksgiving and then perhaps add in some healthy plant based foods.

The protocol consists of high nutrient vegetables, Omega 3s,  and hydration.  For reversing inflammatory conditions you eat raw food only, minimum of 1.5 lbs of high nutrient vegetables, maximum of 24 oz of fresh or frozen fruit, Omega's 3s in the form of flax seed, chia seed, or flax seed oil, and 128 oz of water.  Any other veggies are okay after the daily needs are met.  Fermented foods are allowed up to 1/4 cup, olives up to 1/4 cup, apple cider vinegar, mustard, Braggs aminos, dried herbs and spices, cacao, herbal teas, nutritional yeast, and 1 cup of tea or coffee.  No sweeteners.

The key to getting in the high nutrient vegetables in with smoothies and salads.  I love smoothies so I can make two blenders full each morning and have enough to share with Travis and still have plenty for me.

One blender of smoothie:  1/4 cup chia seeds, arugula spinach mix, red cabbage, and frozen strawberries.

I also made cauliflower popcorn.  Recipe:  1 package of cauliflower florets trimmed and cut to popcorn size, coat with flax oil, then add salt and nutritional yeast to taste.

For dinner I made a veggie tray with lettuce leaves, broccoli florets, mini bell pepper slices, sweet onion, fresh cherry tomatoes and fresh sliced tomato.  The dip was homemade guacomole made with avocado, lime juice, and salt.  Normally I add some salsa or pico de gallo but I was out today.

After dinner I made tea using the Organic Great Value Detox Tea made from dandelion, burdock, and nettle.

For dessert I had Nice Cream left over from our raw foods potluck.  I can't remember what was in it but definitely bananas and some fruit....maybe passion fruit...and some sprouts.

My new interest is my deck garden.  My inspiration is @thefrenchiegardner on Instagram.  I bought his book which is in French so the reading is slow.

Habit tracking is a way to bring balance into life so that areas that need work can be strengthened. I do better when I track and post to hold myself accountable.  

According to Google there are 12 areas of life to balance, This includes, love relationships, friendships, adventures, environment, health and fitness, intellectual life, skills, spiritual life, career, creative life, family life, and community life.  

Habit Tracking;

1. Eat on plan.

2. Read the books ... wherever my curiosity leads me.  Today I finished I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy.  I started reading Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano.

3.  Walk 7000 steps.  Getting in my steps has been my weakest area ever since I had Covid in March.  I'll be tracking it going forward.

4. Practice my French.  422 day streak of practicing on Duolingo.

5.  Practice the flute.

6.  Tend to my sprouts, microgreens, deck garden and living spaces.

7. Check in on the 12 areas of balance.   Love, friendships, adventures, environment, health, skills spiritual life, career creative life, family life, community life.

8. Post on Simple Raw and Natural.

Today was a hot day.  In the afternoon we went to the boat.  Live music was playing at the marina and people were beginning to celebrate the holiday.  We took the boat out and floated around on our floaties for a couple of hours.  It was fun.

I'm getting the house ready for the family coming in for the 4th.



#7000 steps #whatrawveganseat #rawvegan #tryingtostayhealthy #books and coffee #norabbitholeshere #imperfectlyraw #rawfoods #keepingitreal #somerawsomecooked #rawisbetter #stilllearing #followyourcuriosity #flute #eatingonplan #tiktok #instagram #facebook #simplerawandnatural

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