Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Eat Walk Blog

You have heard of the book, Eat, Pray, Love.  Well, my plan of action to get back on track is Eat, Walk, Blog.

A few years ago I did a self-conducted course of  The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.  One of the main practices of The Artist's Way is do your morning pages.  The morning pages are three pages of stream of consciousness writing.  The morning pages are a tool for unblocking your creativity and addressing the things that are on your mind.  As I was praying for answers and guidance on how to get back on track I began writing my morning pages again.  I sometimes write mine in first person, but sometimes I write them as if God is talking to me.  There is no wrong way to do the morning pages.

Shortly after that, as synchronicity would have it, we were in Abilities Unlimited where I was checking out the books.  There on the shelf was a book called The Writing Diet by Julia Cameron.  It is about writing yourself thin.  The premise of the book is that overeating blocks our creativity, but we can use creativity to block our overeating (or wrong-eating).  I only want to take a few things from this book, because the diet suggestions are atrocious.

The first tool is the morning pages.  Every morning write three full pages.

The second tool is the journal.  Your journal goes with you everywhere you go and throughout the day you write.  You write every time you eat and every time you want to eat.  Get it down on the page.  Talk to it like your best friend.

The third tool is walking.  You get out every day without excuse and walk for at least twenty minutes.  If for some reason you don't think you are able to walk twenty minutes at first, then walk as much as you can.  It is a vital part of the writing diet.


Struggling with conflicting desires is not balance, that is trying to have it both ways.  In my case, I wanted to continue with the pristine lifestyle practiced at The Clohesy River Health Farm, but I also wanted to enjoy my cultural foods, my comfort foods, and to socialize with my friends and family.  But balance is not having green smoothies in the morning and tacos and margaritas in the evening.  Balance is achieved by choosing freely and wisely, not from craving and addictions and programming.  When we know the way, then balance involves taking the narrow path instead of the broad path.

I am told we only use 50% of our pulmonary cells. We are in a state of physiological and biological degeneration.  If we hope to leave the world a better place, and give our offspring better biological materials to work with, then we must live a natural and harmonious life surrounded by fresh air, by sunshine, and by forests.  We must eat the foods best suited for human beings in their natural state.

Yesterday I walked about 3.5 miles.  The only cooked food I had yesterday was coffee and Tamari Rice Crackers.

Lunch:  1/2 papaya, freshly grated coconut, 1/2 avocado, apple with raw almond butter, 3/4 grapefruit, 1 kiwi

Dinner:  salad with homemade salad dressing (see recipe below), tamari rice crackers, trail mix

Snack:  1 cup of frozen blueberries

Headed out to walk 3 miles on a cold winter morning.  I knitted this cap myself using the one and only knitting stitch I know...the garter stitch.
Fruit lunch is all the fruit you care to eat.  I put freshly grated coconut on the papaya and the avocado.
Lunch time reading - Connecting to Love by my friend Denise M. Wilbanks.  I met Denise at one of Dr. Fielder's events in Houston.
Salad Dinner:  This is what the salad looks like when you are out of lettuce.  I chopped the onion and tomato.  Everything else was grated using my Salad Shooter.  I use the Salad Shooter almost every day.  Love it.
Salad for two:  1 zucchini, 2 carrots, 2 radishes, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1/4 onion.
Salad dressing:  lemon juice, flaxseed oil, organic seasoning mix
Also, for dinner....homemade trail mix.
After dinner I had 1 cup of frozen blueberries.

There is no need to have coffee out of habit.  Pay attention to your true desires.  Stay awake.  Choose wisely from a state of awareness.

Sometimes it is easier to see false beliefs in others than in yourself.  You can look at another culture and be amazed that they could hold to the beliefs that limit them.  These beliefs keep them lulled into conformity.  It is much more difficult to look objectively at your own beliefs, your own culture.  Awake, awake, put on your beautiful garments.  When the blinders come off, you will be able to see clearly from a broader perspective.

Look for the good and gravitate toward that.  Remove yourself from places and people that make you feel unwanted or threatened.  You love other people by loving your true self.  We are not talking about the ego here.  We are talking about your heart.  This is the only gift you have to bring before the king, little drummer boy.

A merry heart does good like a medicine.  Laughter heals.  The neurons in the heart and gut are capable of leading you in the right way when you hear them...feel them.  This is the way of the heart.  Laughter moves stagnate energy.  

The things written in the book of Nature are not up for debate.  This book can be read in every country, no matter the type of government.  It doesn't require a missionary or a society to make sure the book gets distributed. The book of Nature will tell you much about the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother if you are receptive to it.

Your are a child of Nature and a child of God.  Heaven and Earth have kissed one another.

To health and happiness.

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