Piel de Sapo melon from Costa Rico. |
Papaya |
We had our first raw foods meeting today here in Hot Springs Village. I am excited about this group of ladies. Cindy, Gabriel, Peg and me had a great time. I made green smoothies in my Vita-Mix and Cindy made a smoothie with greens, apples, lemon, carrots, celery, and ginger in her Blend-Tec. We had these for lunch along with papaya, watermelon, avocado, banana chips, goody balls, and an assortment of raw organic nuts that arrived today from Nuts.com. We plan to meet on the third Wednesday of every month. They all took flyers to help publicize Dr. Fielder's visit on May 16 and May 17. I took some great pictures of the ladies making smoothies only to discover later that the memory card was not in the camera.
The box from Nuts.com today came laden with about $400 worth of organic nuts and dried fruits. I buy in 5 lb. bags so this will last quite a while. I made a big batch of trail mix using 2 cups of dried cranberries, and 1 cup each of sunflower seeds, pepitas, almonds, walnuts, banana chips, brazil nuts, cashews, and pistachios.
Trail Mix |
I met the church ladies (Deb, Melinda, and Linda) at the theater tonight. We went to see The Secret World of Arrietty. I liked it but some thought it was slow. Then we had dinner at Chili's. The food I had tonight was movie popcorn, fried onion and jalepeno appetizer, house salad, steamed broccoli and coffee. I would have been better off without the popcorn, appetizer and coffee.
I read this morning in Quintessence of Natural Living about surgery and Natural Hygiene. Constructive surgery is good. It can save a life and restore parts to normal. The downside is when surgeons ignore the essential nature of disease. They use surgery to do away with the effects of diseases rather than addressing the cause.
The Cannon of Medicine was written in China over 2000 years ago. The Cannon emphasized prevention rather than cure. It said curing disease is like digging a well after one has become thirsty or like forging weapons after the battle has begun. It advocated Hygienic principles of regular habits, cleanliness, proper diet, a combination of hard physical work and leisure, fresh air and sunshine, and a calm mind. This seems elementary, but when it was written most people in the West knew almost nothing about disease prevention.
To health and happiness.
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