Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Goody Balls

I didn't sleep so well last night.  I was itching and concerned about things at home.  I got up at 6:30 and did my exercises, dressed, and read until time to start work at 8:00.  There was no 240v power this morning.

I planted five more pineapples in the new pineapple bed.  I dug a hole, put in a trowel full of blue stone, fertilizer, and compost then planted the pineapple using another scoop of compost and the dirt from the hole.  After packing the earth tight around the plant, I tucked the babies in with mulch and watered them in with seaweed/fish water.

I helped John feed five trees and plant a new tree.  It was good exercise pushing the wheel barrow and shoveling compost and mulch.

Planting a new tree.
Lunch was papaya, sapadilla, custard apple, avocado, banana, and coconut.

When I get home my lunch will be the fruit we have available.  If I can't get coconut I will use the nuts we have such as pecans, walnuts, or almonds.  Another good replacement for the coconut will be goody balls

Goody Ball Recipe
500 grams sesame seeds
500 grams sunflower seeds
250 grams pumpkin seeds
250 grams almonds

Grind all the seeds fine in the food processor and put into a large container for mixing.  I use a large blue plastic tub (the size of a laundry basket.)

500 grams of each of these sun-dried fruits:  raisins, sultanas, currants, dates, and peaches.
I cut the peaches and dates up into small pieces with scissors and add all the fruits in with the ground up seeds and nuts.  Be sure to remove the pits from the dates.

Mix all together with your hands.  Put all through a meat grinder....it will look like sausage.  Form into balls.  Store in sealed plastic containers.  Do not refrigerator.  Moisture will make them go bad.  Otherwise they will keep for weeks.  Makes a whole bunch!


I sunbathed for  45 minutes, but it was cold.  I gave it up before my hour was up.  When the sun would pop out, it would be toasty warm, but when it ducked behind a cloud it would be uncomfortably cold.

Karen doesn't think I can tour Australia for 26 days on $600.00.  I think she may be right.  Ha Ha.  

Consultations at 2:00.  I was awake last night itching from my chest, neck and face.  The doctor says it could be anxiety.  He also says if I have ever taken cortisone, it usually exits from the upper body.  I can't remember if I have ever been given cortisone or not.  Maybe I was back in the days when I went to the doctor for bronchitis.

I spent a couple of hours on the computer before supper.  Supper was 3 lettuce leaves, 1 cabbage leaf, and a few celery leaves that I picked fresh from the garden, a tomato, 1/2 avocado, 2 dates and pecans. Tonight I chopped up the dates and pecans and added them to my salad.  I had sauerkraut on the side.

I practiced the flute, studied my pediatrics lesson, and read.

Today was Karen's fourth day fasting.  It's normal to feel cold when fasting.  It's called Faster's Coldness.  

Pain is a part of healing.  Wherever the pain is, is where most of the healing is going on.

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