Saturday, September 4, 2021

Imperfectly Raw Day 16, 9/3/21

Imperfectly Raw Day 16, 9/3/21

I signed up for Tannyraw's September Reset this morning. It is a four week reset that will begin later this month. I have done the reset numerous times because I like the way the reset motivates me to practice self-control and to stay on plan.  It helps me focus on the things I can control.

The day began with coffee and filtered water. I jumped on my rebounder for five minutes and walked around my neighborhood while practicing French on Duolingo.

 Breakfast: Lemon Ginger Blast 

 Lunch: Green Smoothie made with coconut water, miso, bananas, kiwis, dates, arugula/spinach mix, flax seed, wild blueberries, and Hot Springs water. 

I ordered a vegan complete multiple vitamin by Hippo7 from Amazon. I am not 100% vegan but this vitamin contains the nutrients a vegan may find harder to get from the diet: Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Omega-3 DHA + EPA, calcium, iodine, zinc, and iron. Snack: Mango and celery.

I met with two of my flute ensemble buddies who are on the Archives Committee and we brought our scrapbooks up to date. It was good to close that loop. 

I worked at the Candy Bar this evening so Zac could go see Emily's band students perform at the high school football game. My dinner was a chopped salad and iced tea from the Subway below the Candy Bar. 

 I kept the Candy Bar open until 9 P.M. when Zac was able to come lock up the store for me. We had a good sales evening with a pickle-ball tournament and Jazz Festival going on downtown. I confess to having a little of the candy and popcorn while I was working...not much, but a little licorice and popcorn. 


xoxo  Janis

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