Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Imperfectly Raw Day 20, 9/7/21

Imperfectly Raw Day 20, 9/7/21

First Meal:  Lemon Ginger Blast but with more apples and less celery.  It was delicious.

Second Meal:  Chocolate Banana Smoothie.  It was so good. Try it!  Here is the recipe for two people:

Chocolate Banana Smoothie:  4 bananas, 4 dates, 2 Tbsp Cacao (or carob), 2 tsp vanilla, 2 cups frozen strawberries/bananas mix, 2 cups coconut water/water.  Blend.

Two Chocolate Banana Smoothies 

Snack:  Mango

I made a green soup in the blender to have with the dinner salad.  It is savory and well seasoned. Here is the recipe:

Green Soup

2 cucumbers, peeled and chopped

2 large stalks celery, chopped

1 large tomato

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp salt

1 lime, juiced

Blend until smooth.  At the end lightly blend in an avocado.

My dinner salad was the broccoli sprouts I harvested yesterday, baby spinach, chopped tomato, pine nuts, and salt.  I used some of the Bragg's vinaigrette I had left over for the dressing.  I had a Kind bar and some peanuts, too.  (The peanuts need to go. They serve no good purpose that I know of.)

I had an appointment today with Dr. Xu, my primary care physician.  He ran my bloodwork, and I am still waiting on the results for that.  Anxiety seems to be my most pressing issue.  The bloodwork will show whether I still have a problem with triglycerides.

I had a flute lesson today and flute ensemble rehearsal tonight. 

xoxo Janis

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