Thursday, September 30, 2021

Imperfectly Raw Food Blog - Day 42 - September 29, 2021

 Imperfectly Raw Food Blog - Day 42 - September 29, 2021

Morning:  Coffee and Green Juice

Green Juice:  parsley, cilantro, ginger, lemon, jalapeño, red apple, green apple, broccoli, cucumber, celery

Smoothie:  2 bananas, 2 kiwi, spring mix, radish microgreens, 1/4 cup ground flax seed, 1/2 cup almond yogurt, 1/4 cup peanut butter powder, frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries and bananas.

Snack:  package of peanuts

Dinner:  Leftover lentil soup and saltine crackers  I ate a lot of this!  So good!

After dinner:  Bengal Spice tea and a kombucha

I made a batch of raw energy crackers to go into the dehydrator tonight. Recipe is 1 cup chia seed, 1 cup sunflower seeds, 1 cup pumpkin seeds, 4 cups water, 2 tsp minced garlic, salt to taste. Whisk together and let sit a few minutes to thicken up. Divide onto 4 dehydrator Teflex sheets. Dehydrate overnight. Flip the next morning, peel off Teflex sheets, and continue dehydrating until crisp.

Picture is a tray of energy crackers ready to divide onto dehydrator trays lined with Teflex sheets.



#rawfood #imperfectlyraw #stilllearning #tryingtostayhealthy #readingbooks #booksandcoffee #booksandrecipes #keepingitreal

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