Monday, September 20, 2021

Imperfectly Raw - Day 32, Sunday, September 19, 2021

 Imperfectly Raw - Day 32, Sunday, September 19, 2021

6 hr 56 min sleep.  Not too bad.

Breakfast:  Coffee and Lemon Ginger Blast green juice

Lunch:  Smoothies for 2.  Bananas, kiwi, sunflower microgreens, spinach, dates, hemp seed hearts, frozen mixed fruit, frozen strawberries, yogurt, coconut water, and water.

I made a grocery order for curbside pickup at Walmart.  I spent $149.27 for the week's groceries, but Travis picked up most of the Lemon Ginger Blast ingredients yesterday at Brookshires.  The ingredients for LGB usually runs about $45 week for two pints a day - one pint per person.  This could be stretched by making the juice ahead and freezing in half pint containers.  Remove the juice from the freezer the night before.  I have done this before and may do it again to save time and money.

Dinner:  We had plenty of leftovers.  Travis had the salmon.  I had leftover broccoli, chopped salad, and the rest of the cauliflower and bean dish with

I bought a Birch Benders Brownie Mix at Walmart because it was on price rollback.  I made the brownies tonight.  I had never had these low carb brownies before, and I don't particularly like the way I felt after eating them.

Tonight's tea was just regular Lipton black tea.

4563 steps today.  It is my intention to get that number up!

xoxo Janis

#rawfood #imperfectlyraw #stilllearning #tryingtostayhealthy #readingbooks #booksandcoffee #booksandrecipe 

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