Saturday, September 11, 2021

Imperfectly Raw Day 23, 9/10/21

 Imperfectly Raw Day 23, 9/10/21

I didn’t prepare any food today, because we were going to see the family in Magazine today and eat out with them to celebrate Phoebe’s birthday. 

Breakfast:  Coffee and a goodie ball.

Lunch:  We split a Pina Colada Smoothie that was left from yesterday.

Casa Verde came this morning to spruce up the landscaping.  It looks pretty, but it took them longer than expected after they broke one of our sprinkler heads by running over it with a wheelbarrow.  

Was able to practice flute, rebound and walk before we left for Magazine. I am liking my new Yamay Smart Watch Fitness Tracker that I got for $36 on an Amazon lightening deal! 

We took a bathroom break on the way to Magazine.  I feel obligated to buy something if we use the bathroom, so Travis bought coffee and I got peanuts. We met up with the family at Harris and Caleb’s office in Booneville and then walked over to Penjamo’s for dinner.  We took the family candy from The Gaines Candy Bar and Phoebe her birthday present from us.  Ashlyn cleaned out her closet and sent Phoebe three big bags of clothes!!! 

We listened to Thinking Fast and Slow on our drive and made home a little before dark.

xoxo Janis

#rawfood #imperfectlyraw #stilllearning #tryingtostayhealthy #readingbooks #booksandcoffee #booksandrecipes

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