It rained through most of the night, and I woke up at 3:30 to the sound of heavy rain. I read my Bible. Feeling good today, so got up and got ready to face the day.
Travis called me on Skype. We had no important news, but we are both ready for me to come home!
Orange-Pineapple juice sounds good.
My French has been neglected lately, but this morning I practiced a little bit using my Rosetta Stone program.
The rain continued through the day but not enough to keep John from mowing around some trees and feeding them. I cleaned one of the cabins and got it ready for the new client coming in on Saturday. Then I cleaned the shower and toilets.
Lunch today was papaya, avocado, grated coconut, banana, yellow sapote, star apples, and mango.
We can't get yellow sapotes at home, but if we could they could be fixed to taste like candied sweet potatoes. All that would be necessary would be to mash them up with a little cinnamon and sweetener. They are already sweet, so maybe cinnamon would be enough. It's a mute point, because these fruits are not ones to ship well. If they are picked too early, they never ripen.
John told me when I first arrived here that the seeds of the papaya are poisonous. The indigenous people used them to induce abortion. Yesterday I watched a video of a well-known raw food teacher prepare a salad and sprinkle papaya seeds on top. I thought, "Uh oh". He said they were good for killing parasites. I discussed this with my teacher at lunch. Parasites are like germs, they are not the cause of your problem. They are there to clean up the mess. Once you clean your body up, the parasites leave. If you have parasites the best course of action is a raw foods diet with fasting at some point. If the papaya seeds can kill the parasite, they can kill you.
I practiced the flute....with apologies to Eddie for those high notes I am working on.
I am studying one of the supplemental lessons on Pediatrics. This one is about childhood diseases and the the way of treating them for Nature Cure children.
The rain continued all day, and it was cold. I put on my new wool knitted cap and got under my covers to read until supper. Supper was cucumber, tomato, avocado, sauerkraut, pecans, and a date.
Jonathon came over to get some water out of the rain tank. He suggested I get some dorian fruit. Eddie raves about it, too. Jonathon said I can find it at the Asian market, but it will be frozen. He said Tina's father is arriving this week-end from Germany and that maybe they will invite me over one evening while he is here.
This rainy night was perfect for sitting in my room and starting knitted cap #2. I had a false start and had to rip out a few rows and start over, but it's going good now.
To health and happiness.
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